chapter 4- the devil or just a parent

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*House's point of view*

"You have a dark side and a light side, your like the moon one side dark and the other side light, your either a moon or a Pink Floyd album"

"How much Morphine are you on because that made no sense at all" I laughed at what Emma was saying.

I don't think I've ever laughed this much, not even with Wilson. She was definitely bringing out the light side of me as she would say.

We were holding hands which I never do but we were talking about our family, we had been talking about random stuff for a couple of hours, when Flynn and her mum came in.

*Emma's point of view*

I was holding House's hand it was rough but smooth, the tips of his fingers were rough from years of playing guitar an piano, we both discovered we play guitar.

We were talking about our favourite bands when Flynn and my mother walked in, I gripped House's hand symbolising I didn't want him to leave.

"Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?" my mother questioned sharply, you could tell she's a lawyer.

House didn't move he sat there holding my hand still, he only moved his body slightly so he could look at her.

"Mrs Burkeheart, I'm Doctor House, I'm the lead Doctor on your daughters case" he responded with no emotion in his voice but I could see it slightly in his eyes.

My mother looked slightly taken aback by Doctor House, she stepped forward slightly closer to me.

"If your her Doctor why are you holding her hand?" she questioned again sharply

"I'm holding her hand to comfort her as she has a brain tumour and she was telling me about how you and your husband treated both Emma and Flynn when they were kids"

I could feel House's anger building up as his grip on my hand tightened.

My mother looked agitated and shocked at what House had just said.

I could tell she was trying to find words, a comeback to what House had just said but she didn't she just snarled at the both of us and stormed off out the room.

"Well that went well" I laughed as Flynn sat on the other side of my bed.

"I take it from that she doesn't like to be confronted" House smirked

"She's a lawyer, she hates to loose" I replied.

"I'm sorry Emma but I have to take her to the hotel, I'll see you before your surgery" Flynn spoke softly as he stood up and kissed my head

"Goodnight little sis" he mumbled against my head

"Goodnight doctor House" he said before leaving for the night

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