Chapter 3- Memories of the Past!!

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We were interrupted by the school bell. We were both for Algebra class. I paid no attention to the class, just looked at Claire, as if no one was in the room alone, my luck was that I was at the table farther down the room and the teacher did not look at me because if not, I already had gone to the principal's office.

We were interrupted by the school bell. We were both for Algebra class. I paid no attention to the class, just looked at Claire, as if no one was in the room alone, my luck was that I was at the table farther down the room and the teacher did not look at me because if not, I already had gone to the principal's office.

After class, it was 13:00 in the afternoon and I was already very tired of school, but I'll hold out until school is over...but now it's lunch time.

After a few minutes, Claire said goodbye to Darci and came toward me.

"Hello Jim...I was wondering if I did not want company for lunch!!?" She asked, a little embarrassed.

"Sure...I'd love to have your company for lunch!!"

"I know a garden nearby, come on!!" She grabbed me by the hand and I blushed like a madman.

She took me possibly to the garden she told me about.

The garden was beautiful, green and pure grass, flowers of various colors and shapes, roses, chamomiles and many other flowers.

We sat in a little corner under a tree. We took the lunches out of our backpacks and started to eat.

"Your lunch looks good!!" She said.

"Do you want some??" I asked her.

"S-Seriously?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, I do not can taste it if you want!!" He said with a smile on his face.

She blushed. She took some of my lunch out and then ate it.

"And then...did you like it??!" I ask.

"This is the best thing I've ever's wonderful!!" She said with a smile on her face after eating what was in her mouth.

"Oh really??"

"Yes, it's very do you have that much cooking?"

"Well...I learned from my father." He said in a sad voice and face.

POV Claire

Maybe I should not have asked how he learned to cook...he got a super sad face that even pitied me.

"I touched a subject where I should not have touched!?" I said in a voice of concern.

"No, it's not your fault, do not worry!!" He said.

Maybe I should not have asked how he learned to cook...he got a super sad face that even pitied me.

"I touched a subject where I should not have touched!?" I said in a voice of concern.

"No, it's not your fault, do not worry!!" He said "It's just...I still can not believe he left us."

"Your father abandoned you? What kind of person would do that!!?

"I do not know but I just want to forget that it exists!!" He said crying.

I did not know how to react to this situation, because I never went through something like that...but I had to cheer him up somehow.

I hugged him. "I've never been in a situation like this, but I'm sure if he were a real father, I would not have abandoned you and your mother," he said as he hugged him. He hugged me back, but still with tears in his eyes.

He finally manages to calm down a bit, when I noticed he was calmer, I let go.

"Are you calmer??!"

"Yes, I'm thankful've been very nice to me!!" He said wiping the tears from her face.

"You are a great person, as I had said some time ago and it is also a good company for lunches!!" I said with a smile on my face and a little blush.


Claire had hugged me but then when I calmed down, she let go of me. When I'm with Claire, she makes me forget all the things I have in the past, like my father. She makes me feel good...!!

Claire had hugged me but then when I calmed down, she let go of me.

When I'm with Claire, she makes me forget all the things I have in the past, like my father. She makes me feel good...!!+

Too bad I can not tell her what I feel, how much I love her, how much I want to be with her, anyway, maybe more forward!!

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!😉😉😉❤️❤️❤️

Jlaire One-ShotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora