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"Leighla, your father and I invited the new neighbors to dinner, so dress up," my mom said from the kitchen.

"Alright, mother. Have you met them yet?" I questioned.

"No, but now that you mention it, they look vaguely familiar! I only saw them from across the street, so I don't know."

I stared at her, then shrugged. "I guess we'll find out," I smiled.

Once I finished polishing my nails red, I ran upstairs to put on something for tonight. I opened my closet and started tossing a bunch of clothes on the ground.

"No, too sexy, no, too childish, no too... wait a minute, this is perfect!" I held out a crimson silk one-sleeve I bought last month. It was long and formal, but not too formal.

I put on my black flats and curled my blonde hair. For my makeup, I went with just mascara and eyeliner to make my gray eyes pop.

When I checked the time, it was already 7:30. My dad called me down to set the table. I was so excited for the new neighbors to come, because I really needed to make some new friends in this neighborhood. Ever since my best friend Mona moved into a different neighborhood, I've been a little lonely.

That's why I'm excited that the new neighbors have a son the same age as me.

"Leighla. Leighla! Hello?" my dad yelled. His voice startled me out if my thoughts.

"Yea?" I asked, breathless.

"Your hand is about to go into the lasagna," he grimaced.

When I looked down, my hand was covered in cheese. I yanked it away and scurried to the kitchen sink to rinse the slimy cheddar cheese off.

"Leighla, I need to talk to you," dad said in a stern voice. There are two reasons to that intimidating voice:

1) The "talk", because the new neighbors have a son

2) The "talk"

I hesitated to go over to where he was sitting, but he ushered me over there.

"Now, I've seen the neighbors' son, and he's quite the handsome fellow. He looks like he could even be an ass--"


"Sorry. Now you know not to do anything, right?" he scolded.

"Yes, dad, I won't fall for his 'cute, but mystifying ways'," I sighed as I put up air quotes.

"Am I that predictable?" he laughed.

I nodded, and we hugged. "That's my Lei."

My mom walked into the decorated dining room with trays of food in her hands, and glared at us. "Sorry to ruin the family moment, but I need some help here. The neighbors will be here in ten minutes."

"Sorry, Mom," I grinned sheepishly.

I grabbed the trays from her to get the job done faster.

By the time we finished setting the table, the doorbell rang. "I GOT IT!" I screamed when I sped-walked to the front door.

I panted and straightened my dress. I cleared my throat, and opened the door.

To my horror, the green-eyed devil spoke. "Hel-lo, neighbor," he smiled.

That's when I slammed the door in his face.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" I whisper-shouted to myself. My right hand started to hurt, and when I looked over, I noticed that my knuckles were white from gripping the doorknob too hard.

"Leighla, are the Hemingway's inside?" my mother shouted from the dining room.

I stormed over to her and put my hands on my hips. "Why are they here?!" I asked my mom. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Did you slam the door in their faces?" she asked, ignoring the question. Once she realized what I did, she gritted, "Open the door, now." She gave me "the look".

I sighed, and sulked my way back over to the door.

When I opened it again, Blake Hemingway was leaning against the door frame. "That wasn't very nice, Lei," he smirked, "Even though you were pretty excited to see me, because I heard you shouting."

I scoffed and slammed the door in his handsome, but evil face again.

* * *
Hey! Even though the "Sex Wars" prologue is out, chapter one won't come up until "Love at First...Wait, What?" is finished. I hope you're excited!

"Sex Wars" has to do with gender, not actual sex wars, haha.

Also, just as a spoiler, my new trilogy, "The Orb Series" will be out soon! Check out the Sci-Fi story coming up!

Love you guys!


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