♣️♥️Good Times♥️♣️

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The casino was closed for the day because it was Mister Chimes's birthday. The devil agreed that every birthday everyone takes it off and they celebrate. Today was Chime's day so everyone was here to make it more than worthwhile.

Achohol was being passed around and attention was on Mister Chimes as he played some music on his cymbals. You would never expect a cymbal monkey to be quite the musician but he proved everybody's expectations to be null and void. When he was done everyone cheered like you normally would for a performance. Then something unexpected happened.

"Yo Waitress! Put on a show!"

You look over and see Mister Wheezy and Mister Whiskey wasted and calling out for you to get on stage. You rolled your eyes, brushing it off, until you looked at Mister Chimes. He practically had stars in his eyes. Eh, everybody's drunk anyways.

"Oh alright. Only for Chimes though!"

You walked up to the stage, eyes on you. Lots of the Casino was catcalling, like Wheezy Whiskey And Devil. You honestly didn't care. Mister Chimes was grinning from ear to ear. That was good enough for you. You took the microphone.

"This one goes out to the birthday monkey."

The casino squad cheered. Well, all except Pirouletta. She just huffed and crossed her arms. Even Pachinko seemed happy for you up there. Your eyes wandered to King Dice in the crowd. He had this sleazy smirk on his mouth and his green eyes gleamed with interest.

You took off all four of your pins and threw them on the ground with a poof. You learned this trick/attack from Hopus. The four puns rose as little minions from the ground. Lots of gasps and awe all around. You tapped your foot to a beat and the four minions syconrized their timing.

"One, Two, Three, Four."

An acapella started from them. You smiled and looked at Chimes. He seemed enjoying the music already. You smirked and took two dice out of your bra and rolled them out. The dice, instead of numbers, had the symbols of the suits and music notes on the extra spaces. You rolled club and heart, changing your outfit up. With a twirl, you grabbed the microphone.

"I took the perfect avenue, Down the road to both of you. Did I go Dutch? This is too much! With all the money in the world You could never buy this girl. Quite enough. It will be tough. If romancing me with neons is something you should do Make the letters write in luminous, and blue."

Yep, you're going jazzy. The voices acted as the instrumentals and you were going full on Betty Boop. Chimes seemed to be having a great time, along with most of the others. You glanced over at King Dice again. He looked awestruck. Good. If you could surprise him then you had everyone' in your palm.

"And get me waking up, Shake it up, tangled up. You could be breaking up, making up, tangled up. You can't be faking it, making it from my love. With all this tragedy, don't get me tangled up!"

With holding the last note a little you cut it off. You smiled and retracted your little friends back to their pin form. You lined them to your sleeves and with a poof your exaggerated outfit became nothing more than two dice in your hand. You shoved it back in your bra before stepping off. 

Pirouletta scoffed at you and you simply smirked at her. Chimes rushed over and gave you a great big hug. You hugged him back and pressed a kiss on his cheek, making his face go entirely red.

"Happy Birthday Chimes."

He clapped his cymbals excitedly and spun around. You know when the girl kisses the man in the old style cartoons? That's kinda what Chimes is doing right now. Mangosteen rushed up to you to say hi and just rushed off. Must be on an achohol high. You tunrned and saw King Dice there, two glasses of wine in martini cups in hand.

"I assumed you'd want a glass of wine over booze, being the sophisticated woman you are."

You chuckled. He was trying to flatter you, obviously. But having power over so many of the casino employees here as well as having so many allies was just fun. Also, you basically had the manager as putting in your hands. You took the wine glass.

"Then you assumed right, Dice."

You took the glass to your lips and drank a sip. Refined wine. Nothing was better to wet the whistle than soemthin refined with that twang of a taste after it. Pirouletta, out of the corner of your eye, looked mad. And I mean MAD.  Must be jealous. HA!

Then you just enjoyed the celebration, talking to everyone. You had life contemplations with Wheezy, jokes with Chips and Scotch, Beauty tips with Dot and Martini (Pip forced into it because, uh, he's the other half of the domino), tricks and tips with Hopus, quality time with Mangosteen and Pachinko, Chimes having the time of his life, we don't think about the devil or Pirouletta, and King Dice watching you the whole time, sometimes coming in for a conversation.

Tonight was a good time.

Waitress of Suits [King Dice x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now