7 - Hurt & Jealousy

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(Sherlyn in the picture above. You can assume any.)

All the while ride, neither Calhoun nor Martin speaks a single word. Now Martin is feeling little off that maybe Calhoun is angry because he messed up his plan.

"Cal..." Martin started and looks at Calhoun who simply hummed in response before continuing "I didn't mean to mess up your plan . It's just, I was uncomfortable in way Dereck was touching me."

"Why you fall in love with that jerk?" Calhoun's sentence makes Martin silent. Anger was clear in his voice and that wasn't for Martin but for Dereck.

"I...just do.." Martin replied timidly and looks out from the window.

"You still do? After what happened today?" Calhoun asked this time rather calmly. Martin sighs softly and looks at him "I...don't know. I think I do but I don't like him the way he is. I want him to be someone nice, who cares for me and who respects me. Someone who just don't look at me like a body to fuck only."

Calhoun looks away from him and nods. It surely hurts him when Martin said he still love that jerk. He stops his car in front of a tall building which Martin instantly come to know is Calhoun's workplace because there is a large glassy heart with an arrow through it on top of the building. Perfectly matched with the name of the company 'Match it'.

Calhoun gets out from the car first followed by Martin. The second Martin stepped in the company, he saw different Cal, someone distant, someone he doesn't know. Calhoun makes his way straight to the office at other corner replying to all those who greet him on the way. Finally, when he opened the door Martin found a girl, sitting at the other end of the desk where Calhoun stopped. She has soft platinum hairs with a contrast of her skin color and Martin awed at her looks even though he has no doubts about his own sexuality.

"Cal, oh my god! I thought you were on the project?" She hurried to her feet and rush to Calhoun and hugs him tightly which makes him chuckle and Martin feels a tinge of jealousy fluttering in his belly.

"I am still on the project, Sherlyn," Calhoun replied and her blue eyes squinted in confusion as never ever before while ongoing project Calhoun visited the company.

"So what brings you here?" Sherlyn asked while shifting little away so she can look at Calhoun. Finally, Marty feels a bit relieved seeing the distance between them. He never asked him whether he likes boys or not before feeling attracted to him. And this is the only reason he is still clung to Dereck even when he too feels, his choice is not better. Once Sherlyn turns to him, he realizes, Cal and the girl were talking about him.

"Marty, Come here," Cal called him and held his hand out. This move warms his heart because Calhoun is openly holding his hand in front of the girl he doubts has something special with Cal. He holds his hand and walks to him before turning his gaze to the girl. Now as he is closer to her, he can see her bright blue eyes and soft skin and he starts to feel conscious about himself.

"So you are Martin? I heard a lot about you from Zac. You look more charming then he describes." She replied but Martin feels it is kind of her way to make his fun so he turns his gaze down and replied: "I know...you don't mean any of the words." His mumble was so soft that Calhoun barely heard him but he feels hurt that Martin still doesn't see what he is?

"Sherlyn, give us a minute. " With this, he holds Martins' hand and walks out from the room and head straight to an isolated corner.

Martin stays casting his gaze down but when Calhoun's warm hands cupped his face, he finally lifted his eyes to him and whispers "Sorry, I didn't mean to say this to her...just.."

"Shh...just listen. You did nothing for which you have to apologize. What happened back there, what you said to Sherlyn, I am sure she won't mind any. I know her. And the thing for which I dragged you here is that you are still not listening to me. What I told you before about trusting yourself, have confidence in yourself?"

"I...just I don't know Cal. It seems like you all are just sugar coating it."

"I did say I never sugarcoat the flaws of my client. And I don't find any in you."

Martin takes a deep breath as Calhoun's words make him speechless. "What about my face? Cal, I don't even cross the standard of the person to look back at my face without all these things you did. I want peoples to accept me the way I am. No facade. No mask Cal." Martin said desperately and Calhoun doesn't think for a second before he leans and placed his lips briefly over Martin's "Marty, I am so desperate to tell you how fucking beautiful you are. But I know, neither I am allowed nor you want me. So please, have little faith in yourself."

Martin's throat was too raw to say anything. What happened a second ago, Calhoun's touch still lingering fresh on his lips. But his eyes never lift to Cal. He so desperately wants to do it again but he can't gather the courage to do so. And on next Calhoun sighs and cup his face again "Sorry. I should not. I was..."

"Cal...Martin, are you two okay?" Sherlyn's call makes Calhoun take a deep breath before he replied: "Yeah...just give us a second." Then Calhoun turns his eyes to Martin "I won't do it again. I promise. You don't have to hide from me."

Martin opens his mouth to say something but shut it again and nods. He reminds himself that Calhoun and him will never happen and Calhoun is just a distraction. Sweet, handsome and Toxic distraction.

Calhoun nods lightly as he hides his hurt feelings and holds his hand before leading him back in. He said himself already that Martin is not in his reach. He will never be.


A/N : I know this update was bit late but finally able to update. Hope you all like it.

You want Marreck orMalhoun??

Happy reading♥


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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