|8| Steve's Journal

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October 16, 1936

18 years old and all alone... without my mom, I mean. Well, at least I have Bucky, right?

But he could never really understand anyway. She just died yesterday... even though I feel like I had already lost her a while ago.

I just don't know how I'll ever learn to live a life without her, even with Bucky by my side.

October 18, 1936

Not feeling all that much better. The days are really long and it's just terrible living in this house as the days grow short and cold.

Bucky offered to move in, but I'm not sure if I can live in this house with someone other than her. I'm not sure if I can live in this house at all anymore, really.

Too many memories.

November 4, 1936

Selling the house was the best thing I could have done. I left all the bad memories behind... but with that, all the good ones are gone too.

At least I'm not alone. I moved in with Bucky. We sort of have our own apartment... I started to move in maybe three days ago.

I hope it continues to go well.

November 26, 1936

Thanksgiving. The first one without homemade cranberry sauce to deuce the fresh turkey in. No 'special' stuffing and certainly no veggies that would have been brewing for hours beforehand.

Just us.

Two turkey slices on cold bread and a thin slice of cheese for a quick 6 o'clock dinner at the small rickety wooden table in the kitchen.

That's all I needed. Well, that's all I got.

December 12, 1936

What a past few months it has been. It's been... weird, for the lack of a better word.

Having a best friend and spending every possible waking moment with them is one thing (mostly because you go back to your respective houses after hanging out). But having a best friend for years on end and then finding yourself living with them in an apartment in NYC is something completely different.

Sharing this apartment has been fantastic. I mean, sure, It's cramped a little bit and we only have one mattress and one bathroom but we manage just fine.

The only downside is me. I'm so weak. I feel so bad because Bucky has to work all day and I stay home, helpless. With the snow falling and my terrible asthma, I can't be working - nevermind spend long days outside.

So I spend hours and hours and hours all alone. Oh well.

December 20, 1936

Christmas is right around the corner and I'm not sure how I'll deal with it. Everyone is so happy, and I usually am too, but without her...


On a more upbeat note, I'm not sure what to get Bucky. We've known each other for, I don't know, ever... and I never know what to get him. This happens every year!

What do I want? Well, I don't know about that either but he always seems to get me the perfect gift... even if I didn't know I had wanted it to begin with.

December 24, 1936

It's Christmas Eve and today I seem to have forgotten about... all of it.

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