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The dark haired man of whom I decided to call Katniss sends his arrow towards my chest. It whizzes through the the space between us like lightening, though my impressive reaction-time and agility allow me to side-step it quickly enough that it brushes past my hair as it flies past, it's deadly looking point causing me to feel gratitude towards my past 14 years of training. Katniss and Blondie, unable to suppress their shock, stare wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the dodge. Clearly this guy never misses.

Taking advantage of their stunned states, and the fact that Blondie's hand was slowly inching towards the gun at his left hip, I kick Katniss' centre as hard as I can, sending him tumbling into his partner who, from his new position on the floor, grabs his gun and begins firing at me.
You'd think S.H.I.E.L.D. would recruit agents with coordination.
Apparently not.
I dodge the bullets easily, using the lamppost to swing myself up onto the brick alley wall before pushing off it to launch myself over another arrow and in Katniss' direction. I kick his head back before landing in a crouch behind him, the impact sending jolts of pain through my ankles.

I pull myself to my feet just in time to feel a searing pain in my scalp and I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent the yell that had bubbled up in my throat. Blondie had his hands wrapped around my hair. Dagger still in hand, I plunge it into his thigh behind me, uncaring about the major artery that was there.
"You bitch!" He yelled out in pain, and his grip on my hair loosened enough for me to be swing my head back, the sickening crunch that follows informing me that I had just broken his nose.
I smirk, satisfied, the expression intensifying when I turn to see Blondie falling to the floor, blood pouring from his nose and dripping down his chin and neck as he falls unconscious from blood loss.
Yep, definitely hit the artery.

By now, Katniss had pushed himself to his feet, standing across from me, stone faced with yet another arrow balanced across his bow.

"What? Not giving up yet?" I asked, cocking my head to the side and observing his dark red covered mouth from where I kicked him.
"I have to say I'm impressed. Not many people last this long."

"Yeah well. You're not the worst enemy I've faced" he shrugged.

"Maybe not. But I'm definitely your worst nightmare" I smile.

"We'll see about that, Cupcake" Katniss replied, before sending his arrow shooting towards me.

This time it hit my upper left arm before I could dodge it fully and it was then I realised how breathless and sweating I was to the point of exhaustion.
Damn, this guy was good.
I growl in agony and frustration, my legs collapsing beneath me as I pull the arrow out of my arm, feeling the warm blood trickle down it beneath my suit.

Suddenly, I feel a strong pair of arms haul me up from the concrete, one of them snaking around my shoulder to press the cold, sharp blade of a knife against my throat. I fought the urge to swallow.
"Fury will be very pleased to know we've found you" Katniss whispers in my ear, a little too intimate for my liking. " Now who's the worst nightmare?"
Ignoring the thuds of pain in my arm and the blood now dripping from my sticky hands, I gather all my strength and reply
"Still me" before biting down on his hand. He cries out in pain, knife slipping between his fingers, clattering to our feet.
I turn, his close proximity allowing me to bring my knee up to meet his groin, leaving him on his knees.

"You're a cruel motherfucker" he spits, clutching himself.

"Oh, I know" I grin, before retrieving my dagger from Blondie's limp body and taking off down the alley as fast as my weakened state could go.

I stopped in my tracks at the end of the alleyway, ducking behind a garbage bin as my eyes take hold of a familiar black car I knew all too well, parked on the opposite side of the street, about a quarter of a mile away.
'One of those two bastards must've sent a signal somehow' I think, glancing at the two men behind me.
Katniss was now on his feet, Blondie's limp arm wrapped around his shoulders as he drags the unconscious man forward, limping. Both are too weak to try fighting me again, but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm stuck for which direction to go in.
I peek around the dustbin.
The Porsche is too close by for me to get in unnoticed. I'd only be putting Leo in danger.

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