A Start

198 12 6

Thanks to @Grelly-Chan I decided to do this chapter early!

A start, a new start is the actual way I had thought at the moment, having destroyed the closest MECH base to Jasper, though still frustrated at the fact there's more around the world, I'm just going to have to find my way around. Though the first thing I'm going to do is get myself into a school, having not felt normal for three years I just want to try again, try and socialize but that will be difficult as I was not allowed to talk unless spoken to, so breaking the habit to be quiet will be a difficult task. I must also keep my face hidden, as I had gotten a scar when I had failed one of my many missions, and since it can be traced by any surveillance devices.

It's currently just after noon and I have just finished half of my new home, a tree house if you want to be precise, having done the base and two walls already, now doing the other two walls before I have to start on my attic floor and roof. Jumping down onto the leaf covered ground, I land crouched and begrudgingly only thank those horrific people for some of the things they made me have, like agility, stealth, flexibility, almost never ending stamina, heightened senses and a lot of knowledge. Using all of those and some other abilities, I can take newly fallen trees or ones I knock down myself, of course not young ones, and use them to make my new home. Having placed it in the most lushes tree, high above the ground, close to a water source and not to far, for me, to Jasper Nevada.

Getting more of the needed wood, I climb back up the tree and starts on the third and fourth wall, thoughts running through my head, 'Why was it me? What was their decision? Wasn't I loyal enough? Did I do something wrong? My apologies mom...dad...sisters...i have failed you. I couldn't keep my promise...I hope your happy now and moving on. I love you guys...', having been lost in thought and regret, I had no notice that I had started in my attic floor. Snapping out of my daze, I place the last piece in place and sigh, getting g off the stump of wood used to help me reach higher, I walk into the small balcony I made and look up through the canopy and take in a deep breath, relaxing slowly. Taking a few minutes to take in that I'm finally free, I can finally make a new start to my life when only yesterday was I a prisoner, a toy, a puppet, but now...now I'm my own saviour.

I sigh softly again and jump down, deciding on a walk will suffice and a walk through the small town will help to, as I need to know it. I don't really want to but I have to steal some stuff, like clothes and some extra furniture that I cannot make. It takes a few minutes (I'm going to pretend there's a forest close by) to reach the quiet little town and take in the small quant houses, small library, hospital and school. Walking around a bit longer, I notice the sky turning orange, stopping I take in the view. Once the sun had disappeared, I take off around the town, hiding in the shadows and using my skills to steal all I needed to steal, not going for more than what I need. Stuffing the clothes, cloths, shies and curtains into a bag I had to take for the school I'm going to go to, I walk to the school. Hiding my stuff, I sneak in through a window into the principal's office and start the computer. Adding fake information and other needed stuff, I close the hacked computer and head out. Picking up my stuff before jogging back to the now looming forest, twisted branches and wild animals, everything you need for a spooky forest.

*time skip*

Finishing putting up the curtains, I smile slightly and look around almost proudly. Humming a song called "This is Halloween", as it suites the dark room with a full moon peeking through the leaves of the canopy above. Moving around in the dark is easy for me as my eye site was also increased, moving to the cost looking beanbag that was in someone's attic, I sit and look up through the opening, just catching glimpses of the moon and stars.

A gloomy yet relaxed look appears on my face, memories of my family zipping passed as I watch the moon. "Not again...," having this happen every night, my memories go from my happy family to everyone I had ever betrayed. Screams, panicked begging voices, looks if horror and fear covered faces, chocked cries and grasping hands. These...these horrible memories prevent me from sleeping, from having any peace, from even liking myself, I've hated myself from the beginning of these times. So I have to resort to what I can do for any rest at all, laying utterly still and stare, it helps as after a few minutes I am now staring blankly out the opening. This is my rest, no sleeping but at least I'm not wasting energy. It helps block out the images but only dims the noise and that's alright...for now.

*time skip*

Snapping out of my blank daze, I notice the sun just peeking through the hills of trees and get up, stretching out my limbs and hearing the satisfying snaps before shaking them out. Doing a few stretches and warm ups, I head to the bag of stolen goods and dig around for new clothes, not wanting to seem suspicious in my long black cloak. Finding a white hoodie and loose jeans, I change, pulling the hood up so I can hide my face. Luckily for me, someone had a buff (if you know anime, it's that thing Kakashi wear in Naruto) and I put it on, under my hood of course, and lift it up to my nose to hide my mouth. Shuffling with my uncut red hair, I put it into a plait and fix the hood. Glancing around the room, I mumble, "I'll put everything away properly when I get back."

Picking up the now empty back, I put in the school essentials, pens, penciled, writing books, tipex and an eraser. Nodding to myself, I head out and jump down, landing crouched before jogging in the direction of the small to.

*time skip*

Getting close, I glare slightly and huff as part of my hair falls out and covers the left some of my face, now I don't mind, but I don't want attention on my bright rosy red hair as it had changed colors during a...experience. Also glaring at the fact I'm wearing bright colors, I prefer dark colors, like black and red, but I took theses clothes to blend in you could say and also just because I can stand boiling hot temperatures doesn't mean I like them.

Stopping in the parking lot, well the sidewalk of it, I take in the few kids that go to this boring Sandy colored school. Quiet a few stand out, like the jocks and popular kids, of course the in betweeners and nerds to. Now me, I'm going to decide to be the loner for now, get to see who I would prefer mingling with in the future of my time here. My feet carry me to a single tree in the school yard and I lean against it, spotting three kids hopping out/off expensive looking vehicles, one a  Camaro, a heavy duty jeep and an unknown motor bike. (Sorry, don't forget reals) They say bye to whoever is in them and all gather, greeting each other, I think of this group as unusual as one seems to be a twelve year old boy genius, as we are in high school, a Japanese girl with pink highlights and a tall black headed boy.

Maybe I could befriend them in my future time here since...I'm unusual to.

BROKEN जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें