Felt Somebody Looking At Me

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It was a Monday morning and, as usual, I was sitting with my best friends Hayley and Brianna in the cafeteria. We generally sat around there before the start of classes, chatting about what was happening and killing time.

We were an odd trio, for sure, but it worked. Hayley was actually pretty popular; she was bubbly and fun, as well as having an amazing figure and flawless skin. She was basically a tall, redheaded Greek Goddess attending our shitty high school. Brianna was smaller, a little chubbier but just as pretty, in a blonde, no makeup sort of way. And then there was me; the short brunette with the rocky look. 

We were in the middle of discussing our Saturday night plans; a movie night in, or a night out?; when  the bell rang to signal first period. "Listen, later I'll check up to see if there's anyone playing the Academy, and if there's a good band, we can go," I suggested as we all stood up. The other two just nodded before we headed seperate ways- I was in art. while Hayley was in woodwork and Brianna in Business Studies.

 The week dragged as slowly as any other, but Saturday rolled around and we still hadn't decided what to do. The band playing the Academy was a band none of us had heard of- 5 Seconds of Summer. From the information I could get, they were an up-and-coming punk rock band that was big in the local scene at the moment. Teenage boys, although apparently none of them were still in school. Hayley and I were begging Brianna to come; I hadn't seen any good punk bands lately, and I had been on the hunt for one. Hayley just wanted to see some hot punk boys, but Brianna was on the fence about the whole idea. 

But in the end, Hayley got her to come with the thought that maybe it would be a good experience to write about when she's older. Brianna, the aspiring writer she was, agreed almost immediately after that.  We all agreed to meet up at my place at nine pm, and get ready for the concert together. 


After the girls arrived, we piled into my rather small bedroom, giggly and excited for tonights events. "I need something that screams punk. Help me out here, Amber," Hayley whined, stuck between two pairs of tights. "The left ones," I responded, with only a moments hesitation. "Although it'll be hard to dance around in a skirt that short."

Hayley almost looked the part more than me. She had a ripped Rolling Stones shirt on, complete with a red checked miniskirt and some very ripped tights. They were ripped to the point where there was more skin than fabric showing, with her scuffed doc martens. Brianna was in her usual leggings and sweater, and me with my normal attire. 

We showed at the venue pretty early, praying our fake ID's would work. Thankfully, they did; the security guards took one look at Hayley and I and barely even glanced at our IDs. Brianna was a little harder to get in, but her fake ID worked a charm too, and before we knew it we were sitting at a bar inside an 18s+ club, sipping some of the water they gave out free. Brianna looked traumatised already, Hayley excited, and I like to think I looked casual. 

A few guys came up to Amber, although she turned them down pretty quickly. One even asked me if I wanted a drink, too, but I also declined; arriving home to my single mother drunk would probably not be the best idea, seeing as she was the one that let us go. My mum was pretty laid back about this sort of thing.

As the crowds shuffled a bit, the girls and I realised the band were about to play, and we scooted our way to the front of the crowd, right beside the front barrier. We cheered with the rest of the people there as the boys came on stage, and Hayley and I nearly died.

When I say those boys were the most beautiful, punk rock, drop dead sexy band members I'd seen, I would be downplaying it. They all had tattoos, piercings and ripped clothes on. My attention had immediately been caught by the guitarist; he had pink hair, but a full sleeve of tattoos and an ear with four piercings. He caught me staring and winked, and I could've sworn his eyes trailed down my body for a second before they launched into their setlist.

The songs were incredible, too- drum beats and basslines louder and deeper than anything I'd seen live before. Their vocalist, a blonde boy with a quiff and many, many tattoos, had the voice of a punk angel, bringing a lighter tone to their mix. The bassist never missed a beat, and their drummer smashed every single song. But my attention was still toward the guitarist, working his fingers skillfully along the neck of his guitar. 

They threw everything into the two hours they performed, getting rather sweaty in the process. If anything, that made them even hotter, and Hayley and I were completely fangirling over them. The final song of the night, and amazing song called Rejects, blew us away and I almost felt heartbroken as they left the stage. Another band came up to perform for the night, but they were a much less popular, less exciting band, and they couldn't play the way 5 Seconds of Summer did.

"Dudes, I have an idea," Hayley told Brianna and I as we met up again near the bar. Brianna had left during the first song, being completely out of place, and had gone to sit in the corner of the room and read. "Lets go round to the back door, and try get in. Say we're the boys girlfriends," Hayley suggested, and my face must've light up, because her face did too, and I nodded. "What d'you say, Bri?" 

Brianna, weirdly enough, took hardly any convinving before we managed to slip around to the back, although she did mutter how she felt like a groupie. We ignored her, and finding a poster outside the building displaying the band, found out the names. Mike was the one I was so infatuated with, and Hayley was sure their bassist Calum had been eyeing her up the whole show. 

Hayley and I strutted up to the security man with ease, Brianna following behind more timidly. I felt a little bad about putting her in the situation, but I wanted to meet this Michael and this may be my only chance. "Hey, I'm Calums girlfriend," Hayley smiled, and I noticed the way she stood, thrusting her chest out slightly. It seemed to work on the bouncer, who couldn't remove his eyes from that area. "Prove it, sweetheart," he sneered, still not removing his eyes from that area, and I sighed impatiently, picking up on the act.

"Call him now, and say Amber, Brianna and his girlfriend Hayley are here to see the guys," I instructed the man, who was now eyeing me with interest. My idea seemed to work, though, as to our delight he called the boy down with his walkie talkie. Calum had seemed fairly cool with it; the bouncer had said "there's three girls here.. your girlfriend Hayley, and Amber and some other chick," but Calum had just said he'd be down to pick us up. 

All we needed now was for him to agree to be Hayleys boyfriend for the night, and we were in. 


A/n: Yaaaaayyy! First chapter is finally done, I hope it was okay! The story will pick up properly in the next chapter, where we really meet Michael. I'll post that chapter soon, and I hope you like this one :-) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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