It Started Out A Weekend In May

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I had a bucketlist.

It was really a small notebook, filled with 101 things I wanted to do before I died. Some of the things were easy - have a waterfight, attend over 50 concerts. Others were bigger, like go skydiving, visit over 50 countries, get a degree.

The list didn't include anything about falling for a punk rock band member. 


Most people describing me would probably give the same answer. "Oh, Amber Heard? She's the weird smart kid, with all the flannels and ripped jeans."

And I'll be the first to admit, my look can be slightly decieving. For a girl who has been taking all Honours classes for the past few years, my look was a lot more edgy and punk rock than the straight A's and extra credit would suggest. But, that's just my look and it's who I am. I wear eyeliner and ripped skinny jeans with a band shirt, to go into school and ace my tests. 

I guess the rockier look came about when I was around thirteen. Right in the middle of my unfortunate scene phase, I found a band called All Time Low, and I completely changed. That band lead me to so many others- some metal, AC/DC and Metallica, some rock like Pearl Jam, The Pixies and My Chemical Romance, and some pop punk, like Blink 182 and Tonight Alive. I dressed differently, opened my eyes to so many more genres of music and their lyrics. 

I've always been a pretty smart kid, too. I guess some people are just naturally smart, and I'd fall into that category. Not that I don't study- most weeknights are consumed with my head in a textbook, memorising the quadratic formulas or the types of mountains and where to find them. Weekends are a different story, but that'll all be explained later.

So, that's me. Amber Heard, a seventeen year old punk geek, an averagely popular seventeen year old girl. And here goes my story- the weird, wonderful adventure, which started the first weekend of May. 

A/N: Hi guys! So this is my first ever attempt at a serious fanfiction, so I would massively appreciate some feedback and stuff. I hope you'll enjoy reading it, and I hope to post the first proper chapter soon x

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