Trying to Get to You

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"Who are you?"

"My name is Gabriel."

"Right," Yaeli said.

She tried to get up from the chair, only to fall again.

"Watch out there, we need you in prime form. If you're gonna help us, you need to be prepared."

"Help you? Didn't I just do that?"

"No. You helped Cassiel save the Righteous Man. I am talking global scale here."

"You need my help saving the world?"

"You catch on quick. Lucifer is angry. You just took one his most dangerous weapons. If he gets to Jessica, there's no telling what he could do. We need you to help us defeat the devil."

"I have absolutely no experience with this whatsoever. I hunt monsters. Not the devil. I need to get back home. I had a deal with Cassiel. I intend to go back to my own time."

"Because of your siblings? They call what? Every few months. If you're lucky once a week? They always call with the promise of a reunion. And when you're all in the same state, they bail on you. They don't care about you. They don't need you. We do. You are the most qualified person to train Jessica. If she learns from you, she could help you kill Lucifer. Plus, if you don't do this, you won't have a home to go back to, no siblings to not see."

"I'm sure the angels could train her. She's the Righteous Man for fuck's sake. Shouldn't she have already known this? I mean she's strong, she pinned me down in hell."

"She learned what she had to in hell. Because if you've forgotten, oh yeah, it's hell! Eternal damnation and everything!"

"Fine, on one condition."


"You send me back home after this. And you do not contact me ever again. I don't care if God wants my autograph or some shit, you leave me the hell alone!"

"We have ourselves a deal," Gabriel said as he shook her hand.

"Back to the 50's you go!"

"Yippee!" Yaeli said, monotone.

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