Checking Out the Enemy's Territory

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Sitting in a small restaurant was a rather interesting trio: Saiba Joichirou and Sakura's parents, Nakiri Kohaku and Kakono.

So what was it like when you got to the Polar Star Dorm?" Kohaku asked Joichirou as soon they sat down.

"Hmm," Joichirou stroked his goatee. "Well, one things certain. Souma and Kura-chan are pretty close friends. I mean, it's just been a few months and Souma's already calling her 'Kura-chan.'" he paused for a second then added, "But at the same time it's to be expected. 'Cause, y'know, Souma likes challenging everybody he meets."

"Shut up, Jiro-kun." Kakono snapped, a rather playful characteristic for her. "Nobody asked about how intimate your son and our daughter is!"

"Oh, I don't know, dear...." Kohaku said to his wife quietly. "I mean, I think it's kind of interesting. Y'know, what Joichirou is talking about..."

Joichirou smirked and offered his friend a high-five. "See, Kono-chan? Haru and I totally ship Souma and Kura-chan. What'll it be? SouKura? NakiHira?" Sakura's mother continued to glare at him.  "Well, what do you say?  I mean, if we get married, we'll finally be brothers and sister!  Isn't that what we always wanted?" he cooed out exaggeratedly. 

Kohaku grinned and high-fived Joichirou. But he instantly started to glare at him when he was called 'Haru.' "How many times do I have to tell you? DON'T CALL ME HARU!!" Kohaku was loud enough that the other patrons started to stare at him.

Kakono smacked his arm. "Shush it!" in a much more teasing tone she added, "Haru-kun, Haru-kun, Haru-kun, Haru-kun!"

Her husband sighed. "Why must it be Haru? Why not Haku? At least it makes sense! 'Cause y'know, my name is KoHAKU. Haru's a girlish name for God's sake!"

Joichirou and Kakono shared a knowing glance and then started to tease Kohaku some more. "Haru-kun, Haru-kun, Haru-kun, Haru-kun!" they repeated in unison.

"Ah! Can't you two just shut up?!?!" Kohaku asked, exasperated.

This earned him more stares from the patrons.


Sunlight filtered through Souma's window, which was left open. The silver haired chef woke up and stretched her arms, a yawn escaping her lips.

Suddenly, a CRACK noise was heard and some immense pain from Sakura's back had her freeze up. Was the floor really that hard? To the point where she could have an aching back.


Looking over to her right, she realized that her male companion was gone.

"He's already awake, huh...." Sakura became slightly embarrassed. If he was already awake, then he must've seen her ugly sleeping face. Looking into the bathroom mirror, she could see that her cheeks were almost as red as Souma's hair. Well maybe it wasn't so bad since it was Souma that saw her....

The exception, she thought to herself.

After Sakura was done using the bathroom, she walked down stairs to see Souma flipping over some crêpes. "Good morning." she greeted him casually, pouring herself a cup of milk.

Souma jumped slightly at the sound of her voice. For those past few minutes, all he could hear was the sound of crêpe sizzling on pan. Either way, he cheerfully greeted her back. "G'morning, Kura-chan. Did ya sleep well?"

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