Miss You

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As soon as we got a picture of our babies, I could only think to do one thing. I needed to call Kate.

As Tom drove home with me, I decided I'd dial Kate's number.

She didn't answer. A part of me felt disappointed. But I didn't think much of it. I'm pretty good at over analyzing situations. She was probably just busy.

I decided to send her a picture, of the picture, if that makes sense.

I sent the picture to her, and with it, I added "Miss you" to the text message.

I really did. I think this is the longest I've gone without seeing, or talking to Kate. We are always so close.

It was kind of frightening to think that she wasn't here. And that soon, I'd have to make some friends. I need more than one friend, who is miles away.

I knew Kate was going to make friends in college. So it was probably a good idea to make new friends in London. I hoped it'd be easy.

I'm not like Kate. I don't make friends fast. It took me years to became friends with Alexis, let alone live with her.

So just thinking about it, made me feel sick. You can say, I'm shy.

Tom glanced over to me and noticed my tense body. He reached out his hand onto my knee, as he continued driving. "Hey, you okay hun?"

I thought for a second then looked at him. "Tom, do you... have friends?"

Okay maybe not the nicest way to ask. But I was curious.

He laughed briefly then said. "Yes. In fact, I do have friends. Why do you ask?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I just, figured that, we have a new house, new family, new town, we need friends. Don't we?"

He pulled the car over. And sighed. "Jessica. Where is this coming from?"

I looked at him. "Where is what coming from?"

He stared at me. "Jessica. You just hung up with Kate. And then all of a sudden, you are talking about friends."

I looked down to his hand and sighed. "I don't know. I just miss, having friends."

His serious face, turned sympathetic. "I understand that. Well, than we will just have to make some friends together."

I smiled. I remembered that it was going to be us. It is definitely going to be easier to meet friends with Tom by my side.

He reached over and kissed my cheek. Then began driving again.

As we drove down the road, my phone ringing.

It was Kate.

I couldn't have answered it quicker "Hello?"

I heard a sniffle, and then Kate's voice came over the phone. "Jess. I got the picture. My niece and nephew are absolutely precious!"

I smiled. "I'm glad you think so, are you crying?"

She laughed. "Its just, Its so nice to see those babies and to hear your voice. I missed it."

My eyes began to water. "Awh Kate! I missed your voice too!"

She sniffled once more. "How's London?!"

I cleared my throat. "London is, amazing."

When I said said that, Tom smiled at me. It was as if he was surprised that I said that.

I smiled back to him. And continued my conversation with Kate.

She told me everything about college, from the campus, to the classes. She loved it.

We just, caught up. Although its only been a couple months since I saw her. There was so much we needed to say to each other.

That talk, was just what I needed. And when we hung up, after about and hour of talking. I felt, relief.

My best friend, hasn't changed at all.



Later that night, Tom and. I began unpacking our boxes.

It was very quiet, and I couldn't help but remember earlier, the way Tom looked when I said that London was amazing. That look of shock. "Tom?"

He looked over to me. "Yes sweetheart."

"Why did you look surprised, when I told Kate about London?" I asked curiously.

He grinned. "That wasn't a look of surprise. It was a look of satisfaction. I love to hear you talk about London."

I placed my packing box on the floor and hugged Tom. "You, are what makes London amazing."

He hugged me back and whispered "I can say the same thing to you, Jess."

Terribly sorry! This weekend was... busy. And I was suffering from Writers Block. Updating again Tomorrow!

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