Hotter Touch A Better Fuck

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Louis eyed the large anchor that was permanently etched into his brother’s skin longingly. “It’s true, you should be in porn. Then I could rise to fame as the guy who looks exactly like that guy that gets paid to flash his dick on screen. The point, though, is that I have the better arse.”

Zayn laughed beside him, rolling his eyes. “Honestly, if you two weren’t twins, I’d wonder about some of the shit you guys talk about.”

Crawling out of his seat, Louis made his way over to Will and started attacking his neck with love bites, his twin playing along splendidly, as he did whenever they put on a faux show for their friends. Pulling back from his neck, Louis pressed a quick kiss to Will’s lips, something they’d done countless times before, drunkenly and in practice for the real thing when they were little.

When Louis turned back to wink at Zayn, though, he was rewarded with dark eyes and a gaping mouth, spilling out apologies about having course work to finish, and a more-obvious-than-usual bulge at the front of his pants.

“Have you ever fucked him?” Louis asked, turning from where he’d been watching Zayn’s barely there ass as he’d walked off to his room.

Will shrugged, dishing the bacon onto a plate and flipping the eggs. “Depends what you count as fucked.”

Louis laughed loudly, “Have you been anywhere near his private area, or has he yours?”

“Well then, yeah.” Will said, shooting Lou a wink. “Only after a few drinks, only blow-jobs, really.”

Jobs? As in more than once?” Louis’ eyebrows shot up into his hairline, his mouth open in shock.

Will shrugged, grinning cheekily despite himself. “Yeah, a couple of times. Why? You interested in him?”

Louis rolled his eyes, “Of course I’m fucking interested, who isn’t? But, what I’m talking about may possibly fuck us up for life.”

“You want a threesome with him and I?” Will asked, knowing Louis like the back of his hand, while simultaneously taking away the question of how Louis would ask him.

“Would you be up for that?”

Will shrugged and nodded, shooting Louis a wink. “I’ll try anything at least once.”

Louis grinned and kissed Will hard on the cheek.


The night came about when they were all sat on the couch watching a re-run of F.R.I.E.N.D.S that they’d all seen at least twice before. Will had decided that this night was the best for it, simply because they could play it off as boredom.

Louis subtly slipped closer to Zayn, resting his head on his shoulder. He’d been flirting with him non-stop since the morning he’d spoken to Will, even going as far as trying to shower with him to ‘lessen their bill’.

He tilted his head up slightly, pressing a soft kiss to Zayn’s jaw with a smirk. He felt the couch shift as Will moved closer to Zayn on his opposite side, Zayn stiffening slightly.

Leaning up to his ear, Louis whispered softly, “do you want to take this somewhere more private?” as he let his hand fall to Zayn’s thigh, stroking across it slowly. He noticed Zayn’s eyelashes flutter softly, and the way he was biting his lip, before Will’s hand dropped to his other thigh, and Louis heard the same question mumbled in his other ear.

“Okay,” Zayn ground out, pushing himself to stand up and stare back at the twins incredulously. “What the fuck are you playing at?”

Louis gave Will a look before speaking, “We want you.”

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