AU Smut One Shot

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Summary: Zouis. (Non-famous) They go to the same school and Lou bullies Zayn and they hate each other but secretly Lou loves Zayn and that’s why he’s mean to him so they get partnered on a project and are at Zayn’s house and Lou’s being an ass so Zayn asks why and Lou kisses him and it turns SUPER smutty.




I sat on the floor outside the cafeteria with my headphones in and a drawing book in my hands. I nibbled on a packet of chips as I started to draw.

My hand flew over the soft paper with the dark pencil as I started to draw from my imagination. Half way through my drawing I finished off my bag of chips and felt a shadow hover over me. I pulled out one earphone and looked up into the blue eyes that tormented me every day.

“Hello Zayn,” Louis smirked down at me. He had his hands crossed over his chest and his feathery brown hair and styled to its perfection. He was wearing a pair of crème chinos, white vans and a red and white striped t-shirt.

I pulled my legs up closer to me so my art was pressed to my chest.

“W-What do you want Louis?” I stuttered shyly.

“I need you to get up and move your fat ass away from the cafeteria, people eat in there and don’t need you anywhere near them,” he sneered.

“W-What? H-How do I affect them?” I stuttered again. 

“Cause you’re a loser and nobody wants to be around losers,” Louis spat. I bit my lip and looked down. Louis said some other hurtful things before knocking me and walking down the hall as the bell rang. This happened every day, every single day.

I watched as the students walked out of the double doors and down to their lockers and into the class rooms. I gathered up my things quickly and had a look at my drawing before putting it in my backpack and walking to my next class. I sat down at my usual seat in the back and brought my sketch pad out again.

I flipped to a new section and started to draw some sketches of tattoos. I already have two that were done in secret that nobody knows about and I was planning to get another. My teacher, Mr Payne, walked in and called the class to order before he started to write up some notes on the board. I saw Louis walk in late with his gang, Niall Horan and Harry Styles and sit down in their usual seats.

“Late again,” Mr Payne muttered.

I let my eyes fall back to my page as I continued to sketch out the patterns.

“Ok,” Mr Payne clapped his hands and I looked back up to see him sitting on his desk with the role.

“Josh,” He read out.

My eyes wondered to the school’s drummer nerd Josh as sir read out his partner for the assignment.

“You’ll be paired with Niall,” Mr Payne read out. They shifted seats and I dreaded to who my partner would be. I didn’t have any friends.

“Harry you’ll be with Mary,”

“Marius, you’ll pair with Joey,”

“Its Maz sir,” Marius called out as he moved seats.

Mr Payne sighed and continued to pair everyone up.

“Zayn, you’ll be pairing up with Mr Tomlinson,” Mr Payne read out. My eyes widened in panic and I shook my head.

Zouis One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now