Chapter Ten - The Sports Festival part 3

Start from the beginning

"Angel, Angel."Someone's calling me. "Wake up," the voice is gentle and I can feel the strands of hair being pushed from my face. 

"Hmmm?" I murmur opening my eyes to see Todo standing over me, his face breaks into a small smile as he looks down at me. 

"You fell asleep on my shoulder, but it's time for my match now so I have to go." 

I yawn sleepily and give him what must be an understanding nod as he turns and walks away with a last glance back at me. I push my hair out of my face and then it hits me, my dream. I can't quite remember all of it but the important parts are there, I know Todo's match is about to happen but I can't bring myself to stand I'm just in too much shock. It takes a few moments of sitting there processing before I can stand. My mother was in love with Todo's father before she married my father.... it just feels weird, I never really thought about my parent's life before each other. I guess they both would have gone to UA together but I hadn't made the connection before. I guess that explains the look on his face before when I ran into him, I felt like I needed to talk to Todo about this but at the same time, I wasn't sure if I should. Maybe some things were better left unknown.

It's the final match between Todo and Bakugou and despite everything else going on at the moment, it's the match that has my feelings in so many knots. So many things had happened in such a short amount of time that what had happened between me and Bakugou earlier that day had been pushed to the back of my thoughts and now it was being pulled forward again.

 Watching as he enters the arena I felt the guilt again bubbling up. I know somehow, despite all the craziness happening, that I had made the right choice but that didn't change the fact that I cared about Bakugou and I never wanted to hurt him. I wonder if Todo felt as relaxed as he seemed about the whole thing, and maybe I should talk to him more about it later? But now there were so many things I needed to say and I hoped we could work through all of them.

Todo's face was its usual mask but Bakugou had a look of determination and I felt like the fire in his eyes was mixed with a look of pain that I had never seen before today.

"Begin" is announced with enthusiasm and the match starts.

Todo doesn't hesitate and in moments a wall of ice is spreading out from him growing into a mountain. Everything stills and it seems like everyone is wondering the same question.
Do we already have a winner?

And then we hear it, Thud, Thud, Thud.

He's using his explosions to tunnel through the ice. Soon Bakugou is standing in front of him yelling, "You better damn well use your fire!" He screams " I am going to beat you while you are giving it your all! I am going to prove to everyone here without a doubt that I am better than you!" 

For a second I feel like his eyes flick towards mine and then they're back on the match. Todo appears torn about his left side still and as Bakugou jumps at him he creates a wave of ice surfing it in order to dodge. Bakugou lunges again grabbing his arm this time and you can practically see it on Todo's face that he's being torn apart at the moment.

"Use your left side" his father shouts from the audience and I can see his hesitation grow for a moment. I consider yelling but something holds me back until I hear Izuku yell from beside me.

"Give it everything Todoroki."

He looks up eyes flashing at us as flames begin spreading across half his body. Bakugou's gaze hardens but his face splits into a grin as he yells "That's more like it." 

Hands blasting they both leap forward and a cloud of dust goes up as we wait to see what happens. Then it clears and everyone can see where Bakugou lies on the ground, and Todo lies outside the ring on a pile of I've that must have been meant to stop him from sliding back. 

Bakugou staggers to his feet growling. "You didn't use your fire, your bastard! I'll kill you" 

He tries to drag himself a few feet closer before once again collapsing on the ground. I start to stand when Izuku grabs my wrist from beside me.

"What?" I ask a little impatiently in a rush to help.

"Well your power uses your energy to heal if I'm right?" he says blushing a little and letting my wrist go, "and since you already helped me today and your own body is healing won't it be pushing you to far to heal more?"

"I guess..." I mutter still wanting to help.

"Recover girl will be able to help them," he insists pushing me further and I reluctantly sit back down. "And Angel, um thank you."

"Oh," I say surprised, "it's no problem recovery girl could have helped you anyways!"

"Actually" he looks down again "apparently the damage was so bad that it may have never healed the same if I were to heal with her quirk," he says a little more quietly.

"What!" I reply shocked "well I guess you did repeatedly break the same bones. I hope you don't push yourself that much when I'm not around."

He nods in response but doesn't really say anything and I think we both know he won't stop and all I can do is hope that I'm around when it happens again.
It's not long before the awards are given out, even though Bakugou needs to be tied up he's is so angry.

"Where's Iida?" I wonder curiously and Izuku opens his mouth to speak but before he can say anything Ochako speaks up from his other side.

"I guess you were with Todoroki when he found out," she says thoughtfully.

"His brother was attacked by a villain, Iida went to see him in hospital."

My mind instantly flashes back to the way Iida would talk about his brother with so much pride and admiration. I felt my heart break a little for him and made up my mind to go see his brother when I could.

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