Louis looked at the closed door Zayn had exited through for another second before returning to his lounge chair, trying to ignore the sympathetic look Peter was giving him, and sipped sadly at his pink drink that now just tasted too sweet for his mood. He put it down with a sigh and wandered over to the running machine, deciding that maybe he needed to do more exercise; maybe that's what was putting Zayn off. So Louis ran hard and for so long that his vision started to blur and he almost fell over, he kept ignoring Peters quietly insistent voice, suggesting that he may have done too much, that maybe he needs a break, but all Louis could think of was the amount of times Zayn had sent Louis away this past week. Every night Louis would come to Zayn's door and ask if he wanted some company, and he would leave with a false smile, feeling rejected, as Zayn said that he was too busy.

All the thoughts got jumbled in Louis head and stumbled, falling down and being rolled off the machine and onto the floor. He hit the hardwood with a bang and an undignified yelp, clutching his knee with a hiss of pain, and the machine automatically shut off, the sensors telling it there was no one on it any more. Peter rushed over and knelt beside Louis, who tried and failed to keep a tear from falling, he was in pain and felt rejected, and Peters arms weren't the right arms to be holding him right now.

"Are you okay? Master Louis, what have you hurt? I'll call the doctor," Peter rushed away before Louis could tell him not to bother. Zayn was going to be irritated at having to stop work because he'll be worried about Louis. Louis sighed in annoyance, he was supposed to be making sure Zayn still wanted him around, not giving him reasons to get rid of him!

"Peter! Don't call the doctor! I'm absolutely fantastic, as always!" Louis forced out, putting a big smile on his face and surreptitiously grinding his teeth in pain, manoeuvring himself around and standing up. Peter came back with a suspicious expression, holding the phone but without dialling yet, deciding whether or not to believe Louis.

"Are you sure? That was a bad fall, and you aren't putting all your weight on your left knee," Peter pointed out shrewdly, Louis inwardly whimpered but quickly stood straight, putting his weight on both knees as if one of them wasn't shrieking at him and ready to buckle. Peters face relaxed visibly and he gave Louis a smile, quickly turning away to put the phone back now that he'd deemed Louis healthy, and Louis opened his mouth in a silent scream behind peters back, quickly wiping away a tear that escaped.

Louis made his farewells as soon as he could and sauntered off back to his own room, almost fainting at the pain of having to walk with his usual sway of the hips, and as soon as he closed his door he sat heavily on the floor and clutched his knee with a whimper. There was a slight possibility he'd broken something, but he didn't think so. He could have maybe cracked something though. His knee was already swelling and going an angry red and deep purple in colour. He let himself whimper for another few seconds before gritting his teeth and standing to make his way to the shower. He fell once on the way, then once again in the shower, but managed to get clean and dry without too many more injuries. He pulled on a pair of soft blue skinny jeans that would hide the bruise and also not be too tight on his knee, and a black t-shirt that looked good against his tan. He slipped his feet into a pair of black Toms and reluctantly made his way to the dining hall to meet Zayn for dinner.

He managed to be seated before Zayn made it down, so he didn't have to hide his limp, and made polite conversation through the whole meal even though his knee was screaming in fiery agony. The only thing that worried Louis was the look in Zayn's eyes, he kept looking at Louis and as the meal had gone on he'd looked more and more thoughtful, and much to Louis's dismay, as the dishes were taken away by the kitchen staff, Zayn beckoned Louis to him with a crook of his fingers. Louis gave him a watery smile and stood with a brittle version of his usual grace. Trying his best to act normal Louis came over and popped himself onto Zayn's lap, wrapping careful arms around him neck and leaning in to give him a tentative kiss. As Zayn pulled back his face seemed to harden in resolve.

Zouis One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें