The Academy

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Chapter 3:


My black hair was all over the place.I openned my eyes to see myself in a bed.What?What's happening?? I keep asking myself.I jerk up,my brown eyes widen.

"Mmm."I froze and look around the room.I saw it the boy,the boy who saved me and i still think he is drunk or something.

"Hey are you alive?" I ask the boy but he just sat there.

"No please don't kick me out please!!!" There was cuts and blood every where.How long was i asleep?

"Hey are you having a bad dream??"I took in a breath "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!"I scream as loud as i could go.He tripped and fell to the floor.

"Owww." I laught like crazy.He stand up and dragged me to this school I don't think anybody would go.It was old and run down.I was still laughting."How long do you plan to laught??"He ask stopping.

"Sorry but i havent laught that much in a long time."Now I standing...In side that run down school was a HUGE SCHOOL BIGGER THAT 3 SCHOOL TOGETER

"We'er here."

" big school?"My mouth dropped open.

"Yup." He dragged me again in to the headmaster office."Headmaster I think i have her."A man with a white hair turnned around.

"Are you sure??" He look like he was in his 80!!!"Shade do you remeber what happen when she not the one? We'll have to kill her."WHAT KILL ME NO THANK YOU.


"Allright we'll see if she is the one."

"Wait don't I get a say in this like umm I don't know I WANT MY LIFE!!!!!"

"Shade.Good Luck."He winkked.I saw a red rose and a black rose covering my body.Right befor my eyes a red dress,black gloves,red and black boots and a roes to hold up my hair.

"What's happening??"

"This school is for people who can use magic."Shade said looking at me

"Magic?" What magic is this kid talking about???

"Yup it's where people who have magical powers,and your one of them."

" Is there a thing call magic because I don't belive this."

"There is everybody can do magic here but only one."

"What do you mean?"

"You need a partner to help you make more magic."

"So that mean.We'er partner??"

"Well at less you didn't die."I think he can tell i was mad.


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