|Chapter 1|

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Four female turtles jumping from roof to roof in New York City..... that is until a certain pink masked turtle dramatically fell into an alleyway.

"Helloooooo New York ci- Hey gals look its Apri- aaaaaahhh!!!"

"Amoly! Be quiet! We're ninjas. We. Are. Silent.",Venus scolds her younger sister after jumping down into the alleyway.

"Approximately, 70% percent of the time we are never silent, Venus.",Talena mumbles while leaning on her bo-staff.

"We spent 10 horrible hours on that plane from Japan and I'm not looking forward to someone finding us here.",Lara says grumpily while keeping a look out.

Amoly recovers herself from falling onto the metal garbage cans with the help of Venus.

"We should go visit April! We haven't really gotten to know her since we had to go on our trip to Japan.",Amoly jumped up and down, excitedly.

Venus, Larota, Talena and Amoly met April while taking out some of Shredder's men. April was simply trying to get a picture of them and only ended up getting the pictures of the turtles completely erased. She actually befriended the turtles after they somewhat kindly asked her to not speak a word of their sudden appearance.

"Sensei is probably still on boat which means we could take a quick visit to April's. Lets go!", Venus says before they go off to April's apartment.


Amoly reaches April's window and knocks on it. April comes to the window and once she sees the four turtles, a smile grew on her face and she opens the window.

"Come in quick before anyone sees you.", the female turtles climb in and give hugs to April.

"So how was Japan?",April asks after giving them some leftover pizza.

"Cherry blossom trees are awesome! Only when they are not looking dead.",Amoly commented while scarfing down the pizza she had.

"Samurai made us put broccoli on our pizzas, so we preferred to eat soup instead. Venus actually had no problem with it",Lara and Amoly cringed at when Talena said broccoli.

"You guys acted as if broccoli was gonna kill you! To be honest I actually took the broccoli off when no one was looking.", Venus confessed while eating her pizza,"Why didn't I think of that?",Amoly mutters.

"So what's been going on with you April?", Larota asked before finishing the last bits of her pizza.

"Well for starters, I lost my job."

"I never liked your boss. Amoly actually pranked her, but almost got her cover blown. Are you finally happy with your new job though?",Venus commented while throwing the crust into the kitchen and successfully making it into the trash can.

"Yeah I'm actually happy.", April was debating if she should tell the girls that they weren't the only mutants or not.

There was a short silence before April started some small beatboxing.

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