Chapter 18 - Season's Greetings & Big Secrets, Pt. 2

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Thursday December 25th, 1986 – Encino, California

"What are you hiding from me?" she asks seriously. Too afraid to respond, I decide to grab my plate of food and go to the dining room to eat.

I still haven't told Yonela about what happened between me and Brooke. That kiss has brought me nothing but shame and guilt ever since I got back. The only way to get it off my back is to tell her, but I can't. She's been through enough in her life. I don't want her to know about it, even if it was just a little kiss.

God, what have I done?

"You're hiding something... What are you hiding from me?"

Her words repeat in my head, over and over like a broken record. They haunt me so bad, I can't even finish my breakfast. Quite a few people at the table have noticed that I'm a bit off – or a lot off – so to avoid any awkwardness I grab any empty plates and stand up to put them in the dishwasher.

I can't tell her. She'll hate me.

"You haven't answered my question," her soft yet firm voice makes me jump a little bit.

"You're done eating already?"

"Don't change the subject," she starts, annoyance and worry both evident in her voice. "Talk to me, Jackson. What's bothering you?"

Breathe, Michael.

"I don't know," I start a half-lie. "I guess I just had a rough couple weeks. There's still so much to do, I feel I need to be in studio."

"Frank said you need the break, though," she says, nearing me. "Quincy agreed as well, so there's no need to stress."

"I can't help it, Miya. It feels like I've fallen so far behind---"

"You're doing just fine," she cuts me off, cupping my jaw with her hand. "I know you feel pressured because of Thriller. It's very understandable, but you deserve to rest. Enjoy this break while you can, and go back to studio refreshed and ready."

"You sound just like my mother, you know?" I shake my head, making her giggle.

"Maybe it's because I really care about you."

"I don't deserve you, Miya."

"Don't," she hushes me, placing a finger on my mouth. "Don't say that. It's not true."

"But Miya, I---"

"Shh..." her arms open up and take me in a warm embrace. I hug her back, burying my head in her shoulder and taking in her gorgeous vanilla scented perfume. We break away after a moment, and instantly lock gazes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asks, her hands still holding onto my neck. I give a few nods before a wave of guilt comes over me. I'm still lying to her, even though I don't say anything.

Don't ruin it, Michael.

A small smile spreads across my face before I speak.

"Wanna see me play basketball?" I ask randomly, making her smile as well.

"You don't think it's too cold outside?"

"Nah, we'll be warm if we're running around the court."

"Alright, then," she whispers. "Just as long as you don't cry when your brothers beat you, okay?"

I let out a loud laugh before wrapping my arm around Yonela's shoulder and leading her out to the half-court.

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