N° 2: User's manual

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A/N: this fanfiction is inspired by the song Torisetsu by Nishino Kana

Daniel Pov
I can't forget the day I met you. You were sitting on a bench in the middle of the park near my house, cherry trees in bloom surrounded you, giving you a goddess aura. At that moment, and from that day on, you were the most beautiful thing my eyes could ever see. I came to talk to you by chance, simply because I had made a bet with my friends: I would have managed to make you fall in love with me with a simple glance. I don't remember if that day I won the bet or not, but I know for sure that since the moment my eyes met your's in my life there have always been only you. No other girl was able to win my heart.

The day when I confessed my love to you, I still remember your face amazed, on the verge of shock. You clearly didn't expect it. But there is a thing that I remember most vividly of that day, is what you did after having metabolized my words: you leaned towards me putting a earphone in my ear. "I am a real disaster, but I am happy that someone like you can experience certain feelings for me" a few simple words before making me listen to Torisetsu by Nishino Kana. Making me listen to that song was your way of opening up with me and introducing you for what you really were. From that day on that song became the soundtrack of our love story.

Every single day of our story together, I kept that song's words in mind: I didn't want to be wrong with you, I didn't want to risk losing you for my stupid mistake.

I've always tried to treat you like a real princess, because that's what you were for me. And I wanted to be your knight at all costs, the only one able to protect you from all the bad things of this world.

Many times we quarreled for reasons even trivial or for simple misunderstandings, many times my jealousy took control over me, many times your many mood swings have tried to get between us... but every single time I wasn't able to leave you. I was always by your side, because my love for you was stronger than any difficulty that the fate put on our own path together!

Just being next to you made me feel butterflies in the stomach, I was the happiest and proudest guy in the world when I walked the streets of Seoul clenching your small and fragile hands in mine. Because the whole world had to know that you were mine. You really made me feel special Y/N.

You meant really all for me, so much that I noticed your every little change. And I loved the smile you showed me when I gave you some compliments for your new nail polish, or your haircut different than usual. From time to time I joked making you part of the fact that I also noticed your little changes that were not so positive. Like that time when I pointed out that maybe you had put on a few kilos. The pout that you showed me that day is still engraved in my mind. You were too cute.

Nothing will ever allow me to forget the day we met. The day when my life changed radically, forever. I will continue to remember that day in every single moment of my life.

Even today I remember those sweet words of yours "this is how I am, but please laugh and forgive me, okay? I'm so careless, so please take care of me, okay?"

You used to apologize for every little thing: whenever you thought you were wrong, whenever you thought your make-up was not so perfect, whenever you compare yourself with other girls and you feel sorry for not being pretty and enough for me, every time you stumbled on your own feet... but Dear, there was nothing to apologize for. Because for me, everything you apologized for was the most beautiful thing in you.

I loved the gleam of your eyes when I unexpectedly gave you a gift, without it being a special day. And your tears of joy when I wrote you a letter on our first anniversary? That poor letter already so crumpled at the time, since I'd been taking it with me for a week before giving it to you. That letter I read and reread a billion times hoping not to have made mistakes and using the right words... that letter so badly written, that you still keep in the drawer of the bedside table next to your bed.

I accepted you with all my heart, with my heart open. I could never have done otherwise: you were my little precious diamond. And I would have kept you forever near my heart...

I am aware that just a while ago I said that I didn't want to risk losing you for my mistake and that I would always be by your side... I said that because I would never have thought that the reason why we risked to part forever would have been a tumor. That damn tumor that almost took you away from me...

Nobody was ready to face such a thing, I wasn't ready in the first place. And I risked to blow up everything, to move away from you forever simply to protect myself. I almost abandoned you when you needed me the most. The day when I said my farewell to you, once at home, I couldn't help but reflect on my stupid decision and I felt small, a small insignificant being. So I went back to you... and you were there, in your hospital bed, waiting for me. It was really true what you told me... yours was a lifetime guarantee, and I would always be the first and only one for you. So, in the end that damned tumor did nothing but unite us even more... we struggled every single day to build even a moment of joy together, even within the walls of that hospital that warded you in all your fragility. We really fought with clenched teeth and at the end...

And while I'm here looking back on all these things, finally after years, I watch you move forward, smiling, along the central nave of the church in your sumptuous white dress.

Finally, after today, nothing and nobody can stand between us... you and me: two hearts and one soul.

Third person Pov
They looked at each other and smiled, smiling as if they had in front of their eyes the most beautiful star of the entire Milky Way. Both knew that their love was what the whole world was looking for.

The End

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