[11 - Kenny McCormick]

Start from the beginning

I also Have a few notes for ya, In case there were some confusing things that were implied in the Story:

•They ARE in the Senior Year Of Highschool. When in the year? Kind of late into it... but Prom can still be around the corner ;)

•Leo/Butters Does Have Powers! He controls electricity, but he doesn't have a good control over his powers since all he does is repress them, which also hurts him.

•Karen is Under (temp) custody of Kenny! Kenny is 18 and is taking care of her like a guardian, while his parents still live in the shithole.

•Kenny has a proper suit now! Not some underwear over spandex stuff. He's matured and made himself a proper suit, and got rid of the big foam ? On his head.

Bleh That's all I have for now, if ya got other stuff needed to be cleared up, let me know! I'll try my best for you guys!

Well, break is over now! You probably skipped over a lot of that didn't ya? You probably didn't even notice the secret message I put in there for you, did I? 😉

Or did I even put one in? 😉

Well I guess that's a Mystery for now!

Anyway, See you! Enjoy the rest of the Chapter my Lovelies! 💙

-Shiny, Author


It was raining in South Park. Pretty hard, actually. It was a bit strange, hearing such violent drips smash onto the pavement, but it was almost relaxing. Clearing my head of what had happened in just the past weeks. Don't even get me started on The mess of emotions either.

The whole thing was just a mess. One big heaping pile of old wires and cords from devices thrown nonchalantly in the box over the years only now trying to be untangled. And as hard as you try you just can't untangle all the cords and wires.

That's how my heart feels. And like that box and mess is pressing against its walls and wanting to spill out.

A sigh escaped my lips as I continued to walk down and across the rooftops. I wonder, does Leo know that I can't die now, or is he oblivious to it like everyone else?

My thoughts were taken away from the sound of a blaring alarm from downtown. I quickly made my way there, and realized that it was from the Bank. Was Leo on it again? Already? No, it couldn't be...

I swooped down into the streets and ran up to the bank, to see all of the Glass smashed and on the ground. I quickly got inside and looked around to find it completely silent. I walked in further and stopped when I heard an almost animalistic hiss. I jumped and looked over to see... the Coon? Cartman?

The Coon hissed at me and kept a distance from me, staring me in the eyes. They were wide, and glowing a toxic green. They weren't his normal eye color. But almost like poison.

In an instant he jumped on my, his metal claws out and digging into my suit and skin. I yelled out and grabbed him, and threw him into the glass pile by the door.


I was knocked back a bit and quickly looked up to see Human Kite and Toolshed. What the fuck?

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