It was during the dinner he told her about the trip, expecting her to deny. She did take a moment and agreed. She didn't wanted to appear snobbish to him, her previous doubts about absence of his friends in the wedding to seemed to be fading away as he was planning an out so that she could meet and get comfortable with his friends.

''Would you like to invite yours?''

''May be later, let me get acquainted to yours first'' She replied taking a sip from the glass

He smiled and nodded. The noose around his neck was tightening with every passing moment. He just wanted to get over with it.


On Friday night they boarded their scheduled flight from the Airport. He intentionally took a flight different from his friends to avoid meeting them for some time. By the time they reached, all had already retired to their respective rooms. Tarun took a sigh of relief, at least he was saved for a day.

Morning he woke to the streaming sunlight through his room. He fluttered his eyes a little to get them accustomed to the light. Turning on to his back he took a deep breath and then looked around, Kajal was nowhere to be found. There was a note on the side rack, 'Going to beach' He smiled and left the bed to freshen up.

Kajal enjoyed the morning breeze watching the majestic waves. The sea looked at if bothered with some kind of pain. Though, the weather looked beautiful but waters were agitated. As if warning her about an upcoming trouble , she admired the up and downs of waves. Taking a step closer she waited for the waves to drench her feet. She could feel few sounds but ignored, she wanted to touch real evidence of nature's power and next minute she was pulled to a hard chest.

''What do you think you were doing?'' Tarun asked, he had come there to call her for breakfast and heard the guard asking her to back out. She was at the other end of the beach all lost in her world and he knew it would take the small guard good 15 mins to reach her. He made use of his long legs and reached her before she could go any further.

''I just wanted the water to drench my feet.'' She replied

''Don't you see the unrest in waters, it just takes a second to get swept away.'' He explained politely

''Tarun relax, I wasn't going into the waters. ''

''I know, but you could have fallen when retreating water took the swept the sand below your feet.''

She shook her head, ''I am a good swimmer, plus it was just my feet.'' He smiled at her child like expression. She was so desperate to touch the waves that she wasn't even looking at him. Her brown eyes were focused on fierce waters. He frowned and then scooped her up making Kajal yelp, ''Tarun what?''

He said nothing but carried her a distance in water and then dipped her once pulling her out next moment, she gasped at the taste of salty liquid. ''Now, its just not your feet but whole of you got the feel of the waters. No coming back till the sea looks safe.'' She blinked at him, waiting for him to put her down. Her thin shirt started sticking to her body making her all the way more uncomfortable. It took a minute for Tarun to realise her discomfort, he regretted putting her in water. Placing her down gently, he unbuttoned his shirt and covered Kajal with it, ''Sorry!''

''I am not settling for it, I will have my revenge.'' She replied with a smile, he grinned in response. There was a sound of applaud and the couple blushed when they found few morning strollers whistling at them. Without a minute they left the beach.

On their way to the room, the couple collided with Tarun's friends. ''Oh Hi! Guess we interrupted at the wrong time.'' Zenab rolled her eyes at their drenched forms. Her eyes met Sejal's as they silently scrutinized Kajal, in other words the girl for whom Sejal got rejected. The distaste in her eyes was quite evident,if not for Zenab she would have confronted Tarun right away.

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