Finally, A Day Alone Together.

Start from the beginning

Harry unlocks the door to the apartment and I skip inside ahead of him, kicking off my Nikes. I go into the living room and to my surprise Zayn is sitting there. 'Oh, Zayn!' I exclaim. He looks up from the book in his hands. 'Oh, aye, love.' he replies, flashing me a smile. 'I was supposed to stay home to tell you that Harry needs to go to the meeting at SYCO. Apparently I'm not needed there but Haz, you gotta go ASAP.' Harry appears beside me and nods firmly. 'I'll see you soon, kay, babe?' he says, kissing me. I nod when we pull away and he disappears out the door. 

Zayn and I seperate and I head to my room and check my Twitter. Niall Horan Direct Messaged me. I view it: I think I'm in love Soph!! xx I gasp excitedly. WITH WHO??? I reply. TEXT ME! My phone buzzes immediately. It reads: This girl named Sage. I met her today she's a producer at SYCO. She's gorgeous. I asked her out and she said YES!!!!! I squeal to myself. Niall's got a girlfriend!! I'm going to have to meet this girl. My phone buzzes, this time with a call from Lou. I answer worriedly. He doesn't call unless something bad happened. 'Lou?' I answer. 'ELEANOR AND I BROKE UP!' he bawls into the phone. 'Oh, Louis!!!!' I cry. 'What? What happened?' He lets out another sob. 'W-well, I dunno. She said she met some "other guy" and she doesn't think we should be together anymore!' I sigh. 'Oh, Lou.. How about I take you shopping tomorrow and I'll buy you whatever you want, okay?' I offer. 'Even carrot cake?' his voice brightens. I laugh. 'Yes, as much carrot cake as you can eat.' I reply. 'YAY!!' he replies. 'See you later Lou Bear. Love you,' I say. 'LOVE YOU TOOOOOOOOO!' he replies as I hang up. I laugh and log out of Twitter, standing up. I kinda want to change into something else so I hurry to my closet and grab a pair of blue sweats and a black tank top that shows my stomach a little. I pull on my light brown Uggs as slippers and pull my hair into a ponytail. I head downstairs to find Zayn in the same position as an hour ago. I laugh and he looks up. 'What have you been doing the whole time?' I ask him. He grins and holds up the book. 'It's really good.' he laughs. 'What book?' I ask, hopping onto the couch beside him and tucking my feet up. 'Meltdown. Ben Elton.' he replies. I nod. 'Isn't that what Louis-' he nods before I can finish the question. 'Ahh.' I reply. I hop back up and go to the balcony doors, throwing the curtains open to reveal more clouds. 'When will this shitty weather stop?' I mumble as I open the door and get a gentle gust of wind. I stand outside and lean against the thick railing, looking down at the bustling street below. Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. Zayn. I breathe in sharply and look behind me to see his smiling face. 'Zayn....' I start. 'Shh, babe, don't say anything.' he says. I turn around in his arms, trying to escape, but he's not letting go. He leans in and presses his lips against mine.  'ZAYN? SOPHIE?' comes a familiar voice. I shove Zayn off with all my strength, breathing hard. I look over his shoulder to see Liam. 'Sophie...' he trails off and I surprise myself by bursting into tears. I run into Liam's arms and he envelopes me in a hug. 'I just came back to grab something... what..?' he says, looking at Zayn with a hard stare. 'Sophie kissed me,' Zayn lies, making me cry harder. Liam hugs me tightly and leads me inside, closing Zayn outside on the balcony. I see him taking a deep breath and slumping into a seat. 'Sophie...' Liam starts. 'He kissed ME, Liam, I swear!' I reply. He nods, pursing his lips. 'I believe you. He's been talking about you lately. I should have expected that.' I sigh and fall back onto the couch beside Liam, cuddling into his chest. 'I'm so glad you believe me.' I say. 'Of course I believe you. You're my baby sister, why wouldn't I?' he replies, kissing my forehead. I pick up the remote and turn on the news. A picture of Zayn kissing me pops up on the screen, obviously taken from below. I gasp and so does Liam. 'SHIT SHIT SHIT!' I scream, bursting into tears again. 'HARRY'S GOING TO HATE ME! THE BOYS ARE PROBABLY WATCHING THIS AT SYCO! SHIT!' I scream. Liam just stares at the screen with a hard expression, his lips pressed in a tight line. He stands up abruptly, going outside to the balcony and shutting the door behind him. I ignore the yelling going on outside and lay on my side on the couch, crying. Liam comes back inside with Zayn after ten minutes and Zayn storms upstairs, coming down quickly afterwards with a duffel bag and his backpack. He storms out the door angrily and slams it, not looking back. 'Whe-where's he going?' I sniff to Liam. 'Staying with his mum for a bit. I didn't want him to be here.' I sniff again. 'Oh,' is all I can say.


I stare in disbelief at the picture of Sophie and Zayn in front of me. 'W-what..' I start, not able to finish. I hear a sharp intake of breath from Niall. Simon left us in here to watch TV for a bit and Louis went out somewhere. 'She wouldn't do that to you..' Niall says, obviously trying to be reassuring but not even sounding certain. 'I didn't think she would either.' I say coldly. 'She was my best friend... first love... why...' Niall sits beside me and rubs my back. 'You'll find someone better, mate. She obviously doesn't deserve you.' Niall chokes on that sentence, and I can tell he really doesn't want to jump to conclusions about this. A tear escapes my eye and I burst into tears, comforted by only Niall, the room silent other than the sound of my crying. 

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