Were We A Couple? Part II

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The morning came round and I woke to the smell of the leftover pizza and beer cans with a pounding headache. Rolling over I was greeted by many "good mornings" from the other girls and before I could look at my phone, my friends mum came bursting in.

"So, any snogging last night then girls?", all eyes darted to my direction; blushing, I admittedly raised a hand and looked away from the piercing eyes of my best friends.

A plate of pancakes followed by a pot of tea entered the living room and the smell made my stomach churn; I ran to the toilet and i finally got the chance to check my phone. "Happy hangover" texts filled up my notification stream, but I ignored them all; only focusing on a conversation with the one person that actually mattered to me. I texted her "good morning", she replied and we had a general conversation; acting like we did before the first kiss.

After a few hours of casual conversation, we somehow got on the subject of telling people we kissed, and she told me that she was worried to tell one of her friends about it; "she's a bit funny with gay people, her cousin is a lesbian and she's getting married soon but I don't think Jordan agrees with it". My heart sank, I wanted to scream to the world about the amazing kiss, and the violent explosions of fireworks between us, about the spark that hit as soon as we made eye contact, and about the way she made me feel for the rest of the night; but I understandingly agreed with it. "No, of course yeah I understand; maybe we just shouldn't tell her?" The message sent, and before I could even re-read it, she had replied to me, "it doesn't matter because it's not her relationship". Not her relationship? Were we in a relationship?

"Relationship?" I replied, I knew as soon as I sent it that there was a chance I wouldn't get the reply I wanted; waiting for the response, I threw my phone on the floor and hid my face behind my hands worried about the reaction. *bing*

I checked my phone, "well I don't know what we are" butterflies filled my stomach and I felt slightly nauseous.

Taking the risk, and being fearless, I replied; "well, what do you want us to be?", I was so past the stage of being scared that I physically could not register what was happening. "I don't mind" was the reply I got. How do you respond to that?

"You know how I feel about you", I sent the message without even thinking about what her reply would be; "and I think I feel the same" came the message alert from my phone. This was it, she finally admitted that she liked me back; but how to go about getting in the relationship? "I love you", those three words were the only thing to say that entered my head; I pushed send and waiting for the gut-wrenching response. "I love you too", that was it, she'd finally said it; she'd never said the 'i' before, it was always 'love you' or 'ly'.

"Well then.." I sent, not quite knowing what to say her reply read "You make me happier than I thought I could ever be, and even though we aren't in a relationship, I feel like I can treat you like we are. I've put all my trust into you and you've not abused it or made me regret it, not once. I just, thank you Shannon" I started crying and the only thing I could think of was being in a relationship with this girl, marrying this girl, spending the rest of my life with this girl; and the thought of her being my soul-mate brought a smile that reached from cheek to cheek. I hugged my phone tightly and went into my friends room, to see her sat fully ready to leave, and by the smile on her face when she saw mine, I think she could tell what was happening.

She grabbed my phone and read everything, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, she handed me the phone and looked at me as if I should know exactly what to say. A few minutes passed and I typed the words "let's make this official then?". I didn't click send. I couldn't click send. I sat down and shook my head, I couldn't believe this conversation was happening in real life; I'd only dreamt about being in this situation! I looked down to see my phone be taken, the sending sound rung from my phone, my friend had clicked send and I couldn't thank her any more for knowing that my lack of confidence was effecting this conversation.

She replied, I was shaking and I couldn't keep the tears out of my eyes, and when I read the reply; "I can't put anything on Facebook or anything yet as my family don't even know I'm gay" I didn't even have to think twice about this anymore.

"That's absolutely fine" I eagerly replied, and with that last text, our relationship was confirmed; I was in a relationship with my dream girl, my princess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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