A Sweet Slumber Party Part 2

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I changed the lyrics in "Like Me" a little bit so it fits a little better. I changed where it ends too.
"It's not here either." I called from the dining room.

It had been, like, 15 minutes and we still hadn't found Struts' purse. I had taken the kitchen while Butchy took the living room. Deciding it would be best to help Butchy, I went back back to the living room. Just as I walked in, one of the bikers, whom I later found out was named Miles, walked in the front door.

"Hey, Butch, I was- woah!" Miles breathed as he looked me up and down.

Just as I made my way to Butchy, he came out from under the coffee table. "Mick, this what yer lookin' for?"

My eyes lit up. "Yes! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" I briskly walked over to him and took the purse. As I grabbed it, our hands touched and a jolt of electricity shot though my body. My hand jerked back and I dropped the bag.

"Guess you didn't really want it, did you's?" Butchy joked as he reached down and picked up the purse.

"Guess not." I smiled before taking it in my hand again. I got the same electric zap again as our fingers brushed against each other lightly and our eyes connected. He has really beautiful eyes. Right around his pupils there's a light gold that mixes with the brown in the most adorable way.

Wait, what? This is Butchy. Lela's brother. Leader of the Rodents and Enemy #1 to all Surfers.

l felt my face heat up before I looked away, holding the purse close to me. "U-um. T-t-thank you, B-Butchy." I said quickly before running upstairs to Lela's room.

/Butchy's PoV\

I was searching the living room for Struts' purse when I saw something sparkle under the coffee table. I quickly got down low enough to see it and found the missing item. It was wedged between the top of the table and a crossbeam.

"It's not here either." I heard Mick call from the kitchen. I gave the bag a tug as I heard her come in.

I heard the front door close as I freed the purse from under the table. "Hey, Butch," I heard Miles start, "we was- woah!

What is it? What's he lookin' at? I came up from under the table and saw Miles and some of the Rodents, Skids and Lugnut, watchin' Makana while she walked over toward me. Stop it. Now. Okay, fine. Keep eyeballin' 'er and see what 'appens. Wait, why am I thinkin' like this. She's just Lela's friend, why am I so concerned?

"Mick, this what her lookin' for?" I asked as I held up the purse.

Her eyes glittered with happiness, I smiled. That's adorable. "Yes! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" she claimed quickly as she rushed over. As Mick took the purse a zap, an almost electric sting, coursed through my body as our hands touched.

I was almost certain she felt it too when her hand shot to her chest and she dropped the bag. "Guess you didn't really want it, did you's?" I said with a laugh. I bent down and picked up the purse before handing it to her again.

"Guess not." Mick giggled as she grabbed the strap again. I felt the same jolt of electricity as her hand gently fell on mine. My eyes locked with her gentle caramel ones. I noticed a spark of gold in her eyes as she blushed and looked away.

"U-um. T-t-thank you, B-Butchy." Mick stuttered before taking off upstairs.

What just happened?

"Butchy, you got's to introduce me to her sometime!" Skids spoke, "She's smokin'. What's her name?"

"Makana. And she's only gonna be here for a couple days." I said, silently reminding myself that she's a surfer and she won't be here for long.

No matter how hard I tried to make myself think of something, anything, else, she always came back to the front of my mind.

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