Something Mulan-ish Part XIV

Start from the beginning

Days passed with Meccans continuing to arrive. On the final day, Mohammad finally arrived, along with Nouri, Hakim, and a few other Meccans. The Medinahns, thrilled with the arrival of their prophet, rushed outside of the gate to meet him.

"It's Mohammad!"

"He's finally here!"

Forming lines on either side of the gate, some men began to beat their hands against drums, others the tambourine, all the while singing in joy.

"Tala aal badru alayna,

Min thaniyyatil wada'

Wajabal shukru alayna,

Ma da'a lillahi daa

Ayuhal mabu'thu fina,

Ji'ta bil amri'l muta'

Ji'ta sharaftal Medinah,

Marhaban ya khayra daa"

Huriyah smiled as she listened to the men singing. Their voices were strong, emotional, and beautiful as they sang of the Medinahns' joy at being blessed with the arrival of the Holy Prophet. She felt tears brimming in her eyes; all of her and Harith's hard work finally paid off! Mohammad was here and the Medinahns were happy about it. Societal change was near, she could feel it!

The other Meccans entered first upon Mohammad's insistence. They were greeted warmly by the Medinahns, whose attentions quickly returned to the man who was still on his camel outside the gates.

A hush fell over the entire city. Not a single sound was made. One of the leader tribesman of Medinah shattered the silence by welcoming the prophet. His greeting was followed by a thousand other greetings, everyone trying to convince the prophet to stay in their homes. Mohammad held up his hand to silence everyone.

"Allow my camel to choose whom I will reside with," he announced, his voice low yet echoing throughout the city. His camel, with a pat from its master, ambled through the men, the Medinahns parting way for the camel. Their faces fell when the camel walked past them. Soon it stopped in front of a humble looking man. His clothes were tattered, roughly mended everywhere. Huriyah recognized him: Abu Ayub al-Ansari.

Al-Ansari looked up at Mohammad, clearly surprised. "Greetings, my prophet," he quietly spoke.

Mohammad greeted him back. "May I reside in your place," he kindly asked.

"Of course! I will be more than happy to accomodate you sir!" al-Ansari replied.

The prophet thanked him before addressing the others. "I have chosen my place of residence," he announced.

Another man approached the prophet. "Sir, I believe it is the time for prayers. Shall we find a place to pray?" he asked.

Other men began to offer places they knew for prayer, until the prophet held his hand up to silence them again.

"Let my camel choose the place where we shall pray," he insisted. Then, with another pat, the camel walked through the gates of Medinah, everyone closely following him to see where the camel would stop. They had walked for quite a bit when the camel finally stopped in a clearing close to the center of the city.

"We shall have our prayers here," Mohammad announced. "I would also like to build a mosque in this spot."

Everyone agreed and soon, rows upon rows were formed behind the prophet, the men in the middle and the women in the end, so that they could pray congressionally. After the prayers had ended, the prophet paired Meccans, or Muhajiroon (immigrants), with Medinahns, or Ansar (helpers), so that bonds of brotherhood could be formed between the groups of Muslims. Everyone soon dispersed, the Ansar taking their Muhajiroon brothers to their homes.

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