Something Cinderella-ish (Part II)

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The rest of the school day passed without Hanan taking notice. She was still mulling over the fact that she would need to shadow Amir for an entire week. Sure, she could have just shadowed someone else who was majoring in another science field, but she didn't want to be anything other than a doctor. That was her passion, her dream. Everyone knew that, especially Mr.H, who would undoubtedly ask why she didn't shadow a medical student. And no, she couldn't lie to him, nor could she say, "I didn't want to shadow someone whom I have feelings for because then maybe I might grow to like them so much, I have to tell someone about it." He would look at her like she was someone crazy and give her a freaking eighty!

Hanan sighed again, for the umpteenth time, in Amina's car. The day had passed quickly, and she and her friends were now on their way to Amina's house; to Amir's house. Before she knew it, they had arrived, and Amina was ushering them inside her place. Hanan didn't take notice of the house's neat and spacious interior. She just sat down with the rest of the girls inside the living room, wondering how she was going to ask Amir if she could shadow him for an entire week. "Hey. I know you're a medical student. I have to do a project for my chem class, so can I shadow you for a week?" No, that would sound too creepy. I know you're a medical student? Stalker much? Can I shadow you for a week? At school, at home, in your room at night... whoa, where did that come from? Audhubillah!

"HANAN!" Amina's yelling broke Hanan out of her cringey thoughts.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Are you going to shadow Amir for Mr.H's project," she asked.

"Umm, I think I'd have to ask my parents first," Hanan said.

"Why would you need to ask your parents?" Batool asked.

"Umm, cause Amir is a non-Muhram, and I shouldn't be alone with a non-Muhram," Hanan replied.

"But you wouldn't be alone. You'd be in a public area on campus. There's no room for Shaytan there," Farah pointed out.

"True," Hanan said. Unless you have feelings for the guy, she thought.

"So let's go ask him then," Amina said enthusiastically.

"Hold up, I still need to ask my mom. Give me a second," Hanan said as she pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's number. After a few rings, her mother picked up.

"Elloo," Mama greeted.

"Salaam Mama," Hanan greeted back. "I have a question for you."


"So I have this project for Chemistry class. For me, I need to shadow a medical student for one week and a doctor for another week. The only medical student we know is Amir, Amina's brother. Is it okay if I shadow him?" she asked her.

Mama was quiet for a moment. "No. It's wrong. He's a non-Muhram, and anything can happen," she finally said.

"Give me a moment," Hanan said. She turned to her friends. "She said no."

Amina huffed in annoyance. "Give me the phone," she said, holding her hand out for the phone. Hanan gave it to her without complaint.

"Salaam Ama," she greeted politely. After Mama had returned the greeting, Amina got right to it. "Why can't Hanan shadow Amir for her project?"

"Okay, but she's only going to be shadowing him at school, in a public area. Nothing bad will happen."

"Okay, how about if I shadow Amir as well. I'll make sure that the two of them will never be alone together."

"Come on Ama, it's for her future. Weren't you the one who insisted that Hanan become a doctor? This will help her with that."

"Please Ama. I promise you that I won't ever leave the two of them alone. I'll stay with Hanan at all times."

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