A Closer Walk With Thee

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Across the room, Klaus and Elijah sit and drink at a table.

I joined them.

Seems rather uncivilized to laugh and dance around the body of a loved one. "Klaus said.

Elijah pours himself a drink.

Yes, far better to practice your process of grief, Niklaus-- denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements. "Elijah said.

Hayley joins us at the table and sits down next to me.

I will warn you, Hayley, Niklaus is in a spectacularly foul mood today. "Elijah said.

I snickered.

Klaus glared at me.

Sod off. "He told us.

What's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver's trying to set a revolution every five seconds. People are scared, angry, and frankly, I'm tired of stalling. "Hayley told Klaus.

It's a day of peace, Hayley. Try and enjoy it. And, in the meantime, with all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us. "Klaus suggested.

Awesome! Then, we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower, I escape, there's drama, and then you two both realize I'm very capable of looking after myself. "Hayley said sarcastically.

I smiled.

The rings are in progress. I will live up to my word. We will find and punish whoever launched the attack on the Bayou, and you will return to the compound for your own safety! "Klaus said angrily.

Hayley sighs and rolls her eyes.

But, right now-- "He started.

He grabs his bottle of scotch.

I'm gonna finish this bottle and the next, in the hopes of drowning the demon who has chosen today to haunt me. "He finished.

He looks up at the ceiling before chugging right from the bottle.

Cheers, Mikael. Impeccable, Freudian timing. "He stated frustrated.

I look at him confused.

Elaborate. "Elijah said stunned.

Me and Hayley look at Elijah and Klaus in concern.

Have you dreamt of our father? "Elijah asked.

Go ahead, have a good laugh. "Klaus said.

I can assure you there is no piece of this that I find even remotely amusing, Niklaus. Especially considering I've been dreaming of him, too. "Elijah said.

What? "Klaus said.

I arched an eyebrow.

If you are also seeing him... "Elijah started.

He stops mid-thought when he turns his head.

I look and see Genevieve.

The red headed bitch.

Perhaps our elusive, unknown enemy is orchestrating a further attack? "Elijah finished.

Klaus stares at Genevieve.

Well, then. What better way to punctuate a day of peace than by killing someone? "Klaus said.

Him and Eiljah keep lookinh at Genevieve as Klaus smiles and waves at her.

3 Hours Later


Klaus and Elijah carry Hayley into the compound and lay her on a table. Genevieve is with them.

What's going on? "I asked worriedly.

I can help there's a spell I can do. Klaus, get chamomile from the pantry. "Genevieve said.

She looks at Hayley, who is barely conscious.

She's trembling. Your jacket, Elijah. "She said.

He takes off his jacket and lays it over Hayley.

She's not breathing guys, I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers. "I told them.

Genevieve checks Hayley's pulse.

Genevieve presses damp bundle of chamomile against Hayley's forehead and chants a spell in French/Creole

Coeur blessé, battre avec mwen. Coeur blessé, battre avec mwen. "She chanted.

I look at Elijah worriedly.

Genevieve grabs my arm.
I gasp and fall to the floor.

Third Person Pov

What did you do? "Klaus asked angrily.

She's helping hayley. "Genevieve stated sternly.

Emely's Pov

The Other Side

I see a man vamp-speed over to Hayley and puts her in a headlock, and Hayley gasps in fright.

Oh my god.


Welcome to my hell-- stuck in an eternity of watching over that hideous creature my children call brother! That kid never had a chance! And as if your bloodline isn't filth enough, you poison it by merging it with Klaus'?  "He spat.

He laughs manically.

The deathless vermin, fancying himself a daddy? "He questioned.

Hayley and Mikael are still facing off.

You're dead, Mikael. Your son already beat you! "Hayley shouted.

Hayley kicks at the banister to the staircase to break off a piece of wood to use as a stake, and makes her way up the stairs as Mikael continues to stalk her menacingly.

There is no saving that atrocity festering in your womb. Klaus will destroy it, one way or another. Better he dies now, and you along with it! "Mikado shouted.

That's it. I can't watch anymore.

Hayley jumps down onto the first floor, so Mikael jumps down to follow her.

I vamp-speed at Haley and take the stake from her.
I sped around Mikael and stabbed him in the back.

Ahhhhhh! "He yelled in pain.

Her daughter has an advantage Klaus never had-- she will never, ever know you. "I stated angrily.

Hayley stared at me shocked.

I kicked Mikael in the face. And he spit out blood.

Hayley disappeared.

Third Person Pov

Hayley awakes with a loud gasp on the table, Klaus' blood still covering her mouth and neck.

Elijah helps her sit up, and Klaus rubs her shoulder affectionately

You're alright, love. You're alright. "Klaus said.

I saw him. He tried to kill me. Mikael. "Hayley gasped.

Klaus and Elijah looked at eacother.

They all hear a gasp.

Emely looked around and slumped back on the floor.

They all looked at her.

And I thought I had daddy issues. "She said tiredly.

Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley looked at her worriedly.

(Sorry it's a bit short)

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