Chapter 9

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~Taehyung pov~

I had taken a 45 minute nap. I woke up just as nervous as I had been before, but at least now I was rested. I sighed and looked around. People in the waiting room looked just as nervous I did for their own loved one. I looked down. "Um, I'm gonna buy something to eat. I kinda forgot to eat this morning." I chuckled. Mr. Jeon nodded. I got up and walked to the hospital cafeteria. I got me a chicken sandwich and some fries. I ate and walked back to the waiting room. His parents were still where I had left them. "Nothing?" I asked as I sat back down. They shook their heads. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. My hands were sweaty and clamy and I was starting to get even more nervous that the surgery failed and they're trying to find the courage to tell us that they are sorry. I pushed that thought out of my head and focused on the good outcomes, like, Jungkook getting his sight back. I then sat and people watched for the next 30 minutes.


"Um, Jeon Jungkook?" Called out a nurse. I jumped up lightning fast. "Us! Me! Here!" I sat quickly. She smiled. "I'm happy to inform you that the surgery went well. However, we won't know for sure if his sight is back until he wakes up and we take the bandage off." She explained. We nodded "Can we visit him?" I asked. "Yes, please follow me." She answered. I nodded. She was shorter-ish girl, so I had to look down to speak to her. She walked tot he elevator and we got on. She pressed the 5th floor. We rode to the 5th floor and got off. She then walked us to room 697. She open the door and let us inside. "If you need anything, hit the nurse Botton." She smiled. We nodded. We walked inside and gathered around his bed. He had a white bandage wrapped around his eyes. I smiled and leaned down. I hugged him. I then kissed kiss cheek and stepped back so his parents could see him. I smiled. 

They stepped back and sat down beside me. "So when he wakes up, we are suppose to calm him..." His dad said. "Huh?" I asked. "That's what she said. She said we need to make him calm and then hit the button." He explained. I nodded. "I think you should calm him down when he wakes up, he'll listen to you." His mom said. "Probably not now. He's probably pissed and confused as to why we brought him here. He's also probably scared. Hello, we brought him to a hospital, ignored him, let him be manhandled like a dog while he was given a shot to make him pass out... If I were him I'd hate us." I sighed. "You're right. Well, either way, when- Hello?" His dad answered his phone. "Ugh, can't this be another time, please I-...... ok, fine, bye." He hung up. "Honey, that was the company, we have to go." He said sadly. She frowned. "Taehyung, look after him." She sighed. They gave Jungkook kisses and walked out of the room. I sighed and looked at his sleeping figure. I got up and walked over to him. I brushed his hair out of his face. I smiled down at him. 'I really hope this work Kookie.' I thought. I then sat back down and waited for him to wake up.


~Jungkook pov~

I felt myself wake up. I could hear. Feel. Smell. I of course couldn't see, but, I felt something over my eyes. I tried to open my eyes and couldn't. I then remembered what happened before I blacked out. I felt an IV in my arm. I was lying on a hospital bed in a hospital gown. I then began to freak out. I breathed quickly. "Baby, shhh, calm down." I heard the voice of Taehyung whisper as he pet my hair. I calmed down and tried to get my breathing under control. I lifted my hand up. "H-hand." I whispered. I felt him intertwine out fingers. "T-tell me why I'm h-here. W-what h...happened earlier?" I asked, voice shaky. I felt him sit down on the bed. He was still hold my hand. He touch my thigh and rubbed it. "Kookie, your in the hospital, as you know. Um, I got in touch with this lady awhile back and told her about you being blind. She offered to fix it. So, I worked it all out. I was never helping my parents with a big wedding... I was planning this... for you... Your parents helped me. So, when we came here, I wanted it to be a surprise... and, we couldn't tell you what the situation was..." He explained. "S-so... she corrected my eye sight?" I asked. "We won't know until the bandage is taken off. Which I have to call the nurse." He said. I heard him press a button. "She said that the surgery went great." He said. I nodded, still a bit tired and confused. I heard the door open. "Hello, you pressed the button?" Asked a female. "Um, he woke up." Taehyung answered. "Oh ok. Um, where did his parents go?" She asked. "They got called into a business thing." He answered. "Ok, so, Jungkook. We can take your bandages off in about 30 minutes, ok?" She asked. Jungkook nodded. "Alright, well, as long as he's calm and stuff, we just need to wait." She said. "Ok thanks." Taehyung answered. I heard the door open and close. Taehyung hugged me. "I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'm sorry for just everything..." He said. I smiled. "I understand, so calm down." I chuckled lightly. He got close to my face, I could feel his breath on my face. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I giggled. "Yes." I answered. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I kissed back. He stuck his tongue in mouth. I held on to his arm. He pulled away and ruffled my hair. "I really hope you can see." He sighed. "Me too." I answered.


I had fallen asleep. I got woken up when I heard the door being opened. I tiredly stretched and yawned. "Jungkook, are you ready?" Asked a voice I didn't recognize as the nurse. "Yeah, I guess." I said nervously. I wasn't really ready. I mean... what if I still couldn't see? Then, there'd actually be no hope at all in ever seeing again. I felt the doctor feel behind my head, about to unite it. "W-wait." I said. "Ok." She said. "Can you leave the last wrap on? And then leave? If I get my sight beck, I want Taehyung to be the first thing I see." I explained. "Yeah, I can do that." She answered. "Thank you." I said. "No problem. Now, are you ready for me to continue?" She asked. "Yeah..." I answered. I felt her pull the wrap. She then started to unwrap it.

She got to the last wrap and stopped. "Ok, if you do get your sight back, your vision may be a bit blurry at first, but it will go away in a few minutes." She said. "Ok..." I said. She touched my shoulder. "We are leaving now." She said. I then heard the door open and close. "Kookie..." I heard Taehyung say. He sat down on the bed. He was rubbing my thigh. I took in a deep breath and reached up behind my head. I started to unravel the rest of the wrap. I got the wrap off. My eyes were closed. I slowly opened them. I then began to cry. "H-hy..hyung..." I cried. "Baby, why are you crying?" He asked. "C-cau..cause, I-i can see." I cried tears of joy. He smiled and pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged back. He rubbed my back and whispered loving things into my ear. The lady was right. Everything was blurry, however, it started to clear up. Taehyung pulled away. He kissed me all over the face, ending on my lips. I giggled. "I'm so happy Kookie!" He smiled. "Me too, thank you." I bowed slightly. "You're welcome baby. Hey, I thought the scars were going to look bad, but apparently not." He said. He got out his phone and took a picture of me. He then showed me my small scars around my eyes. "This will probably go away." I said, my vision finally getting clear. "Oh, can I let the doctor back in?" He asked. I nodded. He got up and opened the door. The doctor and nurses walked inside. "I'm so happy for you!" She smiled. She walked over to my bedside. "Thank you for restoring my vision." I smiled. "Of course, you're welcome. If you don't mind, I would like to check your eyes..." She said I nodded. She got out a little flashlight and shined it into my eyes. She smiled. "Your pupils are dilating, that's good." She smiled. I nodded. "Well, you are discharged. Your boyfriend can help you change into your clothes and a nurse will be here shortly to wheel you to your car." She smiled, leaving. I turned to Taehyung. "What's with that look on your face?" I asked. "Um... I kinda don't have a car here... I rode with your parents..." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Aish, Tae!" I exclaimed.

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