Chapter Twenty Three: Silence of the Daleks

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"EXTERMINATE!" rang out again as we watched a Dalek zap a woman on the huge screen before us. A detailed description of their race scrolled up the side of the screen.

"Weird, right? Huge TVs! There's one in every room! Except the broom closet. I don't know what happened there," Tony said as if he hadn't just given us three simultaneous heart attacks.

"Anthony, how did you find this place?" the Doctor asked, buzzing around with his screwdriver.

"Well, I was walking back from school & I heard this weird animal-like clicky noise.  But when I turned around, nothing was there."

"And how did that lead you here?"

"Well, I....." he stopped mid-sentence,"I don't remember. I don't remember how I got here....Doctor, why don't I remember?!"

"It's okay," I said, lacing my arms around him , smoothing his hair, & looking about the room, "Something's fishy about this place. We'll figure it out."

"You said every room is like this?" the Doctor questioned, walking back into the hallway.

"Yeah...well they're all playing different programs. Each of the things is pretty creepy. Especially the one with the angels."

"The angels, yeah? Which room is that? We'll avoid that one," he said, & I was in no position to argue. "How long have you been here, Anthony?"

"Well I don't know...a while I guess."

I ran my thumb across the pattern on the door of the circular watch in my jacket pocket. I'd had the watch since I was young. The day my mother told me about the day she found me, she gave me the only thing I had been left with that night: a gold-plated pocketwatch.

In the middle of the night, all those years ago, a woman knocked on Mum's door. She was covered in rags & blood as if she'd just been in a fight with a cougar. She asked Mum for help. That was it: no details, nothing. When Mum agreed to lend a hand to the poor, dying woman, she disappeared, & a few hours later, I was found on Mum's doorstep, only a baby at the time. 

Why would a mother leave her daughter on a stranger's doorstep with only a pocketwatch? No one knew. I considered asking the Doctor to bring me back to that fateful night--to let me meet my mother before she abandoned me & presumably ran off to die somewhere in the cold. But I didn't. I wouldn't dare, especially after he'd told the story of the girl who saved her father from dying & caused a herd of time-pterodactyls to attack a church or something. I don't know--my memories are getting a little fuzzy right about now.

Let me try to finish the story before time runs out.

The hallway was like a dictionary of monsters: each room had an extensive amount of information on a different creature, & it all was very puzzling to the Doctor. He didn't say a word as he peeked into each room...until we got to the end. There was a bend in the hall which led to yet another long hallway.

"Did you look into these? ," he asked Anthony.

"Oh, yes! But they're all just the same: Big TV rooms. Only, these ones are playing programs about different men. I don't know who they are. Except...there's one of you...the second from the last door. That's your room, Doctor."

"...Me?" the Doctor was contemplative.

He opened the first door to see on the screen an old man with slicked-back grey hair & a fancy, vintage suit. Words scrolled up the screen, but not fast enough for me to see before he shut the door in all ofour faces. 

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing. That staircase," he pointed to the opposite end of the hall,"Did you take it?"

Anthony stared, pondering. "I...I don't remember."

Anthony & I looked back at the Doctor & were puzzled.

"What?" he asked.

"Why do you have a black line on your face?" I asked, squinting at the Doctor.

"A black--..." he stopped mid-sentence & rubbed the mark, "Oh no. Oh nonononono." He looked all around, grabbed our hands, & simply said "Run."

*Wellllllll, what do you guys think? Any predictions as to what's going to happen? Do you know where the gang is? What they're running from? Comment away!* :)

To Be Continued (A Doctor Who Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now