Ch 2||Pretty eyes

Start from the beginning

"My name is none of your concern." I answered.

"Brrrr." The white haired boy pretended to shiver.

"Don't mind him! My name is Gon and this is Yuki!" Gon smiled.

"Oh how old are you guys!" Killua asked.

"12." Gon And I answered at the same time.

"That's awesome I'm twelve too!"The boy grinned and then jumped off of his skateboard. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

We started running for a while after that.

"Hey wanna race and whoever loses has to buy dinner for the winners!" Killua suggested.

"Sure! What about you Yuki!" Gon grinned.

"I don't see a problem with it." I mumbled.

"ALRIGHT GO!!"Killua shouts. We all start running, passing everyone, even the examiner.

"GOAL!" Killua and Gon yell at the same time.

"I win!" Killua smirks.

"No I win!" Gon pouts.

"Mr. Satotz can you tell us who won so they can stop arguing." I asked the examiner bluntly.

"Well I'm pretty sure you won and they were a tie." The examiner answered.

"Whattt!" They both yell at the same time.

"Che guess we gotta buy you dinner." Killua groans.

"You don't have to-"

"No Yuki! We have to because we lost!" Gon yells.

"Do whatever you want." I turn my head and cross my arms.

After almost being tricked by a monkey we made our way through Swindler swamp. The fog was thick and I couldn't see much. I ended up getting lost in the fog. I eventually made my way into a clearing. When I looked up my eyes widened at the scene in front of me. Pinky was choking Gon and Leorio was laying on the floor unconscious and Killua was nowhere to be seen.

"Y-Yuki! Run!" Gon yells at me while wheezing. I took my staff out and clicked it to turn into a full pole. I charged at the man but dropped my staff and went to kick his legs. He dropped Gon and fell to the ground.

"GON GO AND GET KILLUA! I'LL TRY AND HOLD OFF PINKY!" I yelled to him while stepping in front of him. God what was I doing this is too scary. I shouldn't even be caring for him but when I saw him gasping for air I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"But."He started.

"I SAID GO!" I growl causing him to get up and run.

"Aww you made my toy run away I guess your going to have to replace him."The man frowned but wasn't really sad. He rushed towards me and grabbed me by the neck and started choking me. I clawed at his hands and gasped for air. His lust for blood scared me so much I was frozen in place.

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