Dreamcatcher chat #9.5

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Dreamcatcher's chat #9.5

Dami made a group chat.

Dami added Gahyeon.

Dami added Handong.

Dami: pssst

Dami: guys wake up

Gahyeon: what the hell Dami? U know Handong's gonna kill u

Dami: not when she hears what i have to say

Handong: well then it better be the best fuckin news I've ever heard

Handong: or I'm coming into your room and beating you to death with that stupid magic stick from our choreo

Dami: damn

Dami: okay... fair enoigh

Dami: enough* sorry it's hard to type whilst hiding under my blanket

Gahyeon: why r u hiding?

Handong: yes... why

Dami: I don't want Jiu and Sua to wake up and see me messaging you

Dami: this conversation has to remain a secret

Handong: alright. U have my attention

Gahyeon: r we finally going to get rid of the other members and take over the company?

Dami: what-

Dami: jesus christ, child...

Dami: no we r not going to murder our friends and take over HappyFace entertainment

Dami: now sit down and shut up for a second

Gahyeon: well I can't really sit down when I'm already lying down in bed 😎

Dami: ......

Gahyeon: OW!! HANDONG THREW A BOOK AT ME!! where do they all come from anyway?

Handong: I have a collection of throwable books just for you, and I'll do more than that if u don't stop

Gahyeon: :(

Gahyeon: k

Dami: okay. Great. Now...

Dami: i have a proposal for you guys

Handong: go on

Gahyeon: does it come with ice cream?

Handong: ....


Gahyeon: Continue Dami :3

Dami: right.

Dami: I'll just get straight to it

Gahyeon: heh. straight. Hehe. Get it? Koz me and dami r dating? So she isn't straight? 😉

Handong: can we remove her from this plan

Dami: I'm seriously considering it


Dami: wanna join my coven?





Handong: sure

Gahyeon: y not

Dami: wait.... just like that?

Dami: ur not gonna ask why?

Gahyeon: we all know ur into witchcraft, hun xxx 😘

Handong: *gag*

Handong: but also yeah. We know.

Dami: oh... but that doesn't explain why u both wanna join?

Handong: i mean........ why not? Sounds fun

Gahyeon: yeah sounds fun. We'll get to spend more time together :D

Handong: on second thought, I'd like to retract my initial statement.

Dami: no takebacks

Dami: we're blood sisters now

Gahyeon: what? But we haven't even spilled any blood?

Handong: wouldn't mind spilling ur blood

Dami: okay firstly, we are not killing my gf. Secondly, I'll handle the blood part.

Dami: Meet me in your shared room tomorrow night at 12. Don't let anyone see u.

Handong: sounds thrilling. Can i go back to sleep now?

Gahyeon: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm so excited!!!

Dami: this is exactly why i chose you two. Yes, go back to sleep.

Dami: and remember, this conversation stays between us.

Gahyeon: roger that, captain •_•>

Handong: yep. Night.

Dami: night

Gahyeon: goodnight :D

Groupchat is now inactive.

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