Disclaimer and Author's Notes

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Save for any original characters, ideas, and places written for this story, Star Wars belongs to LucasFilm and Disney. Any canon and/or Legends material belong to their respective owners. Thank you.

Author's Notes:

This is meant to be a little tribute to one of my favorite eras within the Star Wars Expanded "Legends" Universe: the years of the New Republic. I grew up watching my brothers play Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and after reading the Jedi Academy trilogy and I, Jedi, I was always interested in the stories surrounding Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin IV (before the dark times... before the Vong and what came after).

I've always wanted to tell this story, but I kept getting stuck. For six years, I went back and forth on writing this, changing character dynamics and even changing the time from the New Republic to the old on several occasions. Fortunately, I managed to write this story, making the right changes, and having my insightful pre-reader "SubtleSaber" (whom you can find on Fanfiction.net) give me feedback on what works and what doesn't. I really appreciate him spending his time of his busy schedule to look at and edit the chapters, especially for a few that needed some retooling. I couldn't have done it without him.

Now, with what I currently have, I would like to proceed with a story that I hope may fit into what has now been called "Legends."

Prior knowledge isn't necessarily needed, but I believe it would help add to the experience. In any case, I do hope you enjoy this story.

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