four ● hongseok

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I was over the moon from the conversation I had over the phone with Jaehwa last night. That was the first time she had ever flirted with me in the seventeen years I had known her and honestly?

It was great.

When I got to school, I immediately went to Jaehwa. "Hey," I said, winking at her.



The two-minute warning bell rang, cutting me off.

"You know, we should probably get to class." She put her arm through mine, making my face turn red, and we walked to our first period.


After school, I saw Jaehwa talking to Kino, and felt a twinge of annoyance. I went behind Jaehwa and picked her up bridal-style.

"Mind if I borrow her for a bit?" I asked Kino. 

He stuck his tongue in his cheek and didn't say a word, looking a bit ticked off. 

"Cool, thanks." I sauntered away, Jaehwa in my arms.

I dropped her off in the middle of the soccer field. She punched me on the shoulder. 

"What was that!?"

"I was saving you from Kino. I know how annoying he can be sometimes." I answered half-jokingly.

Jaehwa laughed, but still looked exasperated. "That was pretty rude to Kino, though."

I shrugged. "Kino's fine. Probably. Maybe."

She huffed. "Hongseok..."

"Fine. I'll go apologize at the arcade later today. Him, Shinwon, Jinho, and I are hanging out." I added, "You can come too, if you want."

Jaehwa raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking me out?"

I smirked in response.

"Well, I'm kind of busy today."

At least that wasn't a no.

"'Kay, that's cool. See ya." I gave her the boy scout salute.

Jaehwa laughed and gave it back, then started to walk back to our apartment block.

I took a shortcut to the arcade (called Q*Bert's) so I wouldn't have to talk to Kino along the way. When I got there, I was greeted by Shinwon.

"Ready to get demolished at DDR?" He teased, striking a pose.

"Ha. In your dreams."

"Whoa guys, break it up. We all know I'm the best." Jinho said, entering with a two-liter Coke and a pizza.

"You finally made it. I was worried you got stuck trying to reach the top shelf." Shinwon joked.

"Ha ha. Hey, where's Kino?" Jinho asked, turning to me.

We heard someone kick the door open. "Looking for me?" It was Kino. 

Way to make an entrance.

"So, now that you slowpokes are all finally here-" Shinwon stated, "let's go!"

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