Chapter 2

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Lucy pov

" And this is the science lab. "

I am at the end of finishing the 'tour'.

" Wow. This school is really big. And it's hard keeping track of the things you just said. I might need your help again sometime lucy-san."

My eye twitched. But I managed to laugh. Nervously, before giving him a reply.

" Ahahaha is it really that big? And I am sorry but I am not the student representative. So.....I can't help. You have to ask levy. I'll notify her when she comes to school"

He didn't look pleased. He sighed. And spoke again.

" Okay. But can you please help me until your friend comes back?"

" S-sure"

Damn. Stop stuttering Lucy. He smiled a big one before saying

" Oh thank you so much!"

" Haha It's o-okay y-eahahah"

Arg! Stop it Lucy. Get yourself together!!.

'why so nervous all of a sudden?'

" Lucy-san are you okay?"

He asked.

" Yeah. Why do you ask?"

Obviously I am weirded out I guess.
Also Thanks a lot for not stuttering Lucy.

" Cuz you don't look 'okay' to me"

After a pause and me not giving any response, he spoke again

" Is there something you wanna ask me?"

I nodded still looking outside through hallway windows. Rather than facing him, I stared at the soccer team that are practicing for the upcoming match on the field outside.

" Where are you from? You are not from 'overseas'. Cuz it's obvious. You know Japanese language so well, that there isn't a mistake in you writing earlier. I know you might have taken some 'classes' but heck you're so good."

He looked a bit dazed? to me. But I don't know for sure.

" Ah. I think you may be right."

He finished off with a smirk.

" What do you mean?"

He chuckled.

" You see. I have a little job to complete. So... here I am!"

He chriped. My eyebrow is arched.

" What kind of job?"

Wow I didn't stutter. Guess curiosity brought the best out of me?

" Aha. Aren't you curious?"

I sighed finally locking eyes with him.

"Yeah. "

He smirked again.

" How about- I don't wanna answer you?"

I tched a bit. And said

" What's your last name? Why didn't you tell everyone back at the class room"

Good.Ignore his question Lucy.
I folded my arms over my chest as I waited for his reply but I also witnessed his smirk growing big.

It was irritating.

" Well you must give me something in return."

He puured(What is he?A Cat!?). I stared. More like glared. What is he playing at?

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