Chapter 31

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Soledad's POV
I decided to listen to Vanessa and talk to Yoandri about everything. I called him and asked him to meet me at the park near Vanessa's house in 30 minutes.

As I was walking to the park, so many thoughts were spiraling in my head. What if when I tell him how I feel he doesn't feel the same way? What if I get friend zoned? What if he says he doesn't want to speak to me ever again?

Stop it Sol! Just trust what Vanessa said. He likes you too. Just be calm and be confident and everything will go okay. I arrived at the park and Yoandri was already there waiting for me.

"Hey Sol."

"Hey Yoandri."

"What's up? What did you need to talk to me about?"

Gosh Sol this is really happening. What do I even tell him? This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be.

"So Yoandri, I um called you here because um well I wanted to tell you that I am um staying here in Los Angeles permanently."

"Really Sol? That's great" he said as he gave me a hug.

"Yeah it is great."

"What made you want to move here?"

"Yeah about that... that's actually what I came to talk to you about. So um listen, the reason I even considered moving to Los Angeles permanently was mainly because of you."

"I'm confused Sol. What do you mean because of me?"

"So I was talking to Vanessa and she brought something up that made me realize a lot of things. So um wow this is harder to say than I thought it would be. Basically, she said something about you and I, and it got me thinking and I came to realize that I um I kind of like you Yoandri."

"I like you too Sol."

"No Yoandri like I like you, like you."

"Yeah I know Sol," he said chuckling, "I like you too."

"Wait really?"

"Yes Sol. When I met you I automatically felt an attraction to you. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. There was just something about you that made me want to get to know you more and be closer to you. Then we started talking more and I started falling for you without even realizing it until Christopher brought it up."

"That is exactly how I felt. I didn't even realize I was falling for you until Vanessa mentioned it a few days ago."

"You think Vanessa and Chris planned this? The whole telling us our feelings to get us to talk to each other and tell each other how we feel?"

"Honestly Yoandri, I wouldn't be surprised if they did plan this knowing how those two are."

"Well if they did plan this then I'm glad they did because at least now I know you actually like me back and I don't have to keep holding it back every time I see you."

"Yeah I'm glad it's all out now because I couldn't keep holding it back."

"So what do you say Sol? You want to give us a try and see how things go?"

"I would love that Yoandri," I said taking his hand in mine as we leaned in for a kiss.

"We should probably thank those two for pushing us to do this," Yoandri said after we pulled away.

"Yeah we should because if it weren't for them I never would have had the guts to do this."

"Well let's go then," Yoandri said taking my hand as we went looking for Vanessa and Christopher.

Vanessa's POV
Sol had just left to go talk to Yoandri. I was anxiously waiting to hear back from her on how things went. I called up Chris and told him to come over so I could tell him about what just happened.

Chris arrived at my house 10 minutes later.

"Hola amor," Chris said as he walked in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.


"¿Que pasa? De que querias hablarme?"

"Hablé con Sol y ella accedió a quedarse en Los Ángeles de forma permanente."

"Eso es genial!"

"Lo sé."

"¿Eso significa que ella va a hacer algo al respecto a Yoandri?"

"Sí, acabo de hablar con ella sobre eso esta mañana. Ella decidió darle una oportunidad y ver cómo van las cosas. Ella se fue para hablar con él, así que estoy esperando a que ella regrese y me diga cómo fueron las cosas."

"Espero que todo vaya bien. Realmente quiero ver a los dos felices juntos."

"Yo también amor, yo también," I told Chris as I grabbed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder.

Just then both Sol and Yoandri walked into my house.

"Hola chicos, ¿cómo les fue?" Chris asked them

"Nos fue bien. Tenemos algo que decirles a los dos," Yoandri said.

"Okay. Que es?" I asked

"Solo queríamos darles las gracias a los dos por empujarnos a hacer esto porque si no fuera por ustedes dos, nunca hubiéramos tenido las agallas de decirnos cómo nos sentimos el uno al otro" Sol said as she reached for Yoandri's hand.

"No tienes que agradecernos. Lo hicimos porque queremos verlos a los dos felices juntos." I said

"Sí, no podíamos seguir viéndolos miserables sin el otro." Chris told them

"Entonces ya son novios?" I asked

"Sí. Vamos a intentarlo y ver cómo va desde allí." Yoandri said

"Bueno, estamos felices por ustedes dos y les deseamos lo mejor" Chris said

"Gracias. Bueno, vamos a salir ahora, pero gracias de nuevo por todo. Realmente lo apreciamos." Yoandri said

"De nada. Diviértanse!" I shouted as they headed out the door

"Hicimos un buen trabajo al juntar a esos dos" Chris said as he played with my hair.

"Sí, realmente lo hicimos" I replied

"Merecemos un descanso para divertirnos un poco, ¿no crees?" Chris said laughing

"Si creo que lo necesitamos" I told him as I rested my hand on his cheek as he pulled me on top of him and kissed me until we were both heavily making out on the couch.

Desde Esa Noche // Christopher VelezWhere stories live. Discover now