"okay start working on Page 5516 with your partner while i'm in the lavatory." he says. hah he calls it a lavatory. i turn to Gale and he starts working when Peeta texts back. " yeah. Mrs. Trinket doesnt care. she knows i'm texting you but she doesnt give a damn. her class is awesome. except the learning of course!" i laugh quietly.

"Catnip!" i snap out of my thought and look back at Gale.

"oh...sorry. hey wanna go hunting tomorrow morning?" i ask suddenly in a low voice so no one hears.

"why in the morning?" he asks filling in the answers on my paper.

"cause. that kid Cato told me if i came by again he would light my house on fire." i say. Cato is an asshole. he thinks he owns the woods or something. but when he makes a threat. you better take it seriously.

"Gang Cato? yeah lets go in the morning. meet at like? what 5:30?" he asks. i nod quickly and pretend to work when Mr. Barron walks back in and past my desk. yay. Peeta texted back. "yeah lol. srry gtg end of class soon c ya nxt class bye. <3"i smile and the teacher puts the answers on the board. i start filling them in and then put the paper in my binder and throw everthing back in my bag.

Peeta and i always try to get to study hall early so we can sit together in the baack corner. the teacher doesnt care what you do and no one ever looks back there because they know all they would see is Me and Peeta kissing.i get there and put my bag down in the other chair to save it for Peeta. Johanna comes over and says hi but says she has an essay due tomorrow and sits down in front of me. Peeta gets there and sits down. we kiss once but take a break to talk about a project we have to do together. "we have to pick a topic...meh."i say. we kiss one more time and then we think.

"i dont know, why Katniss's lips are more kissable than everyone else's. theres gotta be a science behinf that!" he says jokingly.

"lets test it out." i say.we kiss again,this time french.

"well my theory rains true!" he admits. i laugh. " so i was thinking...i have aton of money saved up from the past years. we should get an apartment in the square." my eyes widen that was random.

"i'm not against it but why?" i ask.

"cause. my mom wont let ou in my house and you live 2 streets down from the most dangerous place in town. if we get our own place its our rules. i understand if you say no, it was just a thought." he says. i smile and laugh.

"no. i like it. we should. i just have to ask my mom. i mean your right. my neighborhood is dangeous. and in the square i'll be closer so i can get a better job. thats a great idea! this is awesome!" after that we give up on our project and just spend the last hour of study hall kissing.

at lunch we sit down with Gale Annie Finnick Madge and Johanna. we kiss one more time before Finnick decides to bother us. "EWWW!" he says laughing at us.  they always make fun of us in a friendly layful way. after school me and Peeta go behind the school as planned. its one place in town you can go to makeout without othe people around. after an hour of that we go back to our houses to ask our parents about the apartment.

"Katniss.... normally i would be totally against something like that. i just dont know. its a high school relationship!"

"Mom! we've been together for 4 YEARS and we love each other! please mom!" i plead. she paces the living room for about five minutes. she looks like shes weighing her options befor she looks at me and says.

"fine. just promise you'll be responsible!"i jump up and down and scream in excitement. then Prim and her best friend Rue walk in.

"hey Prim! hi Rue!" i say happily.

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