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It's raining when we pull back into Hope Springs, a soft rain that muffles the sound of laughter coming from the clubhouse. Harry pulls me close before we go in, his hands roaming up and down my backside, his head nuzzling my neck.

"We'll go in, but only 'cos it would be rude not to," he growls, his lips burning into the hollow of my neck. He kisses a trail across my cheekbone, to my lips, his tongue gently parting them to make entry. My hands tangle in his hair, it's grown since I last saw him. His hands cup my ass and he presses his hardness into me. A groan escapes my lips as he breaks the kiss to suck a trail down to the valley between my breasts.

The clubhouse door swings open and Jeffrey takes one look at us, and closes it. Harry mutters, "Damn it!" grinning, adjusting himself as he holds the door open for me.

Everyone is here, apparently I was the only one who didn't know he was coming. Lulu is in tears as he wraps her in a bear hug, Babu squeals "Hawwy!" as the twins wrap their arms around his legs.

I take a seat by Zoie on the sofa, watching him as he interacts with the people who mean so much to me.  They adore him; it's as if he's always been a part of us; as if we are not whole without him. Tears spring to my eyes, I brush them away, and look up to find Mitch watching me, his expression unreadable.

Harry sits on the floor in front of me, leaning back between my legs. I wrap my arms around him, he takes my hand and kisses it before holding it to his chest.

Everyone laughs as Zoie recounts last weeks gorilla incident. Harry growls and leans his head back, "You didn't tell me you were attacked by a gorilla!"

I laugh, leaning down to kiss his temple, "It happened in the exact spot where you kissed me for the first time...Apparently, he didn't like the song I had playing in the Jeep!"

"And what song was that, love?"

Zoie meets my eye, and we both sing out at the top of our lungs, 'I get down, I get down, I get down on my knees for yooouuu!'

He doubles over laughing, "I don't blame him, then!" He scoots on his knees to press his lips to my cheek, his expression suddenly serious. "I get down on my knees for you, yeah?"

"Yes, please."  A thousand times please.

He rises to his feet, pulling me up with him. "We'll see you lovely people in the morning," he announces, clapping Jeffrey on the shoulder.

I bend over to kiss Zoie's cheek, "You're the best, Zo!"

"Their cabins are ready, Mia took care of that. I'll make sure they get settled in. You just go get some...rest," she winks.

"Thank you, I owe you big! And thanks for making me get dolled up, and everything!"

"Ummm, like I had a choice! I mean, have you met Harry?"


"I'm so sorry I made you worry, love," he whispers as he pulls me into the crook of his arm. "Mum and Gem were supposed to cover for me, but I should've known better-they can't keep a secret, either."

"No, it's okay, really. I'm just so happy that you're here," my fingers have a mind of their own, tracing his tattoos as if committing them to my memory.

"I made Mitch take my phone so I wouldn't be tempted to call you, and then, got mad at him 'cos he wouldn't let me...but it was worth it...the look on your face..." he shifts to his side, until we're facing each other.

"It still feels like I'm dreaming." I stroke the line of his jaw, "It's not that I expect to talk to you every day...I just want to...I understand you're busy, or tired, or whatever, but there hasn't been a day go by that we haven't talked and I was kind of upset with you!"

Hope Springs || Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now