Locker 120

859 6 1

It's your first day at your new school. You know no one there who can show you the ropes, so you wander the halls aimlessly. As you're walking you bump into someone who was too busy paying attention to their phone that they didn't see where they were going. You pick yourself up and look up to see who this jerk was.... he was beautiful, the kind of boy you hear about in stories. He wore glasses that framed his face perfectly and had a sense of style that was pretty unattainable to the average Joe. You were so mesmerized you barely noticed when he asked you if you were okay. "Oh yeah, sorry," you whisper. "Don't worry about it, it was completely my fault. I guess you kinda fell for me huh?" The hunk said. He was a charmer for sure. "Ha yeah I guess so." "Well you seem lost do you need help?" He offered. I guess it was pretty obvious. "That would be great. Do you know where locker 120 is?" "Yeah right down here." You followed quickly behind him as he led you to your destination. "This would be yours," he said gesturing to the locker infront of him. "Hey, so maybe I could get your Snapchat or something?" He continued. "Oh yeah, it's @liltay" you said instantly. "Sweet, I'll talk to you later, Tay" he said as he walked away.
After school....
You get home and can't wait to relax. As you put your stuff away and get ready for your daily nap your phone beeps. You open up Snapchat to see that the mystery boy from earlier had snapped you. He sent a selfie (above) with the caption: "Hey I'm Luke, but you can call me anytime @911" and so you did. You guys had a long conversation about why you moved here and the call ended with him telling you that you could only contact him again if it was an emergency. And that's the story on how one snap changed everything.

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