Nagisa, the One Who Falls in Love too Easily.

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Okay, I know I'm not one to usually complain, but this Nagisa kid is hanging around me a bit too much. It's been 2 days, and jeez, I feel as if he's watching over me EVERYWHERE I GO.

flashback time owo


I've been sticking around (Y/N) recently, because Karma keeps on trying to talk to her. I'm kinda worried for her.. She shouldn't be hanging around Karma in my opinion! He might be scheming something to her..  I don't want that, because she seems nice.

She doesn't seem annoyed at me, but she seems more... Amused? I swear, her smirk reminds me of Karma when he's taunting me. I just don't get it, but I don't question it. 

-- it's lunch break time from yesterday in the lil' fanfic i got here --

I went outside, not seeing Karma nor (Y/N) there, like they usually are. This got me worried, so I looked around the school the entire Lunch Break, refusing to eat. I don't know why, but somehow I just really want her to be safe. I won't question it. As Lunch Break ended, they walked into the classroom together, him in front of her, as always.

I went over to her seat while I still could. " Where were you all lunch? "

" I was talking with Karma. "

" N-No.. I mean.. where? "

" Oh. The weird gym thing. It's all boardy and shit. "

" Why did you go in there with Karma? "

She seemed slightly surprised that I was pushing the question onto her.

" Why not? "

" Because I--- "

Koro-Sensei cleared this throat, trying to indicate that class was going to start, and that I needed to sit down. I went to go sit down, looking over to her so occasionally. Apparently, we were learning how to kill him again, yet he wouldn't tell us. He would only give us tips... I had a feeling (Y/N) was already ahead of us in this, though.

She looked over towards Karma, smirking, then Karma nodding. This sent me back... What did they have planned?

As everyone tried to stab Koro-Sensei, (Y/N) and Karma weren't participating, making Koro-Sensei grabbing the students to tell them to stop and look at them, before Karma threw a knife at Koro-Sensei, making him somewhat irritated, his face going slightly red.

" You liitttleee.. ~ " He giggled, making Karma smirk. While Koro-Sensei was distracted with Karma, I looked towards (Y/N). I saw her reaching for her knife and then sneaking past each desk. I kept my eyes glued onto her, wondering what she was going to do.. 

She went to our old poison potion projects and dipped her knife into one of them, which was the one she and I made. This made me feel slightly proud. She then got behind Koro-Sensei somehow and almost stabbed the knife down into the back of his head..

Everyone gasped, staring at the knife that was dripping almost acidic poison. It was barely even a centimeter away from penetrating Koro-Sensei's skin, but he stopped her with his knife.

" ... I was right, I will have to be careful of you.. " Koro-Sensei dropped her knife, her eyes widened.

" " She spoke, surprised, as Koro-Sensei lifted her up, flipping her upside down. He glared her directly in the eyes, speaking in a scary and monotonic voice; 

" I'll be watching your every move, (Y/N). . . "

Koro-Sensei placed her down, knowing he couldn't hurt one of his students. I saw Karma just stand there, and I decided to take action before him and run to her. She coughed silently, then glaring back at Koro-Sensei, making him slightly confused.

What A Coincidence! ( Karma Akabane x Reader / Lemons Included )Where stories live. Discover now