Chapter Three

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[Novaer] What's up my fellow humans, how long has it been? I wouldn't know because I write this note before the actual story but I just want to know how you like the story so far, I think its a garbage fire and it has landed me a special place in hell right next to Count Ugolino and to save you the google search it's a Dante's Inferno joke about me betraying the human race, ain't a joke great if you explain it? Well on to the story and yes, I haven't planned any of this so I don't know if he meets the creepypastas yet but lets go on this adventure together.

I wake up right outside of the orphanage and I just pull myself up by the seat of my pants and start to walk up the steep driveway to the surprisingly warm looking building. I reach the door and walk past the desk and hear a quick 

"Mr L/N" I turn, and with my most genuine smile and ask

"Yes Janet?" I fell her almost break the law by throwing the carefully placed printer at my lovely, currently ink free, face.

"Why are you home so early today?" She say after a moment of composing herself.

"Well I thought I might visit here, been thinking of vacationing here but I'm just worried that it is out of my price range. You see I'm still trying to find a place to stay because my home burnt down." After a moment of trying to figure out what my sentence meant literally she looked up at me.

"The school burnt down?!" she asked a bit of concern creeping in her voice for me and I decided that it couldn't go on.

"Sharp as when I first met you Janet, it's a wonder you haven't been promoted yet." I said sarcastically but instead of feeling the anger radiate from her I just heard her sigh.

"You know that this is your last year here, then you are out on your own. You won't get any jobs with that sarcasm that you wear like a shell, you have to grow up." She says, I sit there thinking what angle she's getting at but coming up empty.

"Me, grow up? You must be crazier than the people who unironically like Twilight." She tells me all I need to know by sighing and going back to whatever game she was playing on her computer. I considered it a victory and walked up to my room and glanced over to Kent who was had just decided it would be a good time to get out of bed.

"Want to go out tonight? We can dress up all scary and mess with some kids if you want." I asked gently, hoping Kent will at least say something this time.

"I've already got plans, sorry Y/N." Kent tells me not even looking towards me as he leaves, I can only assume to shower.

"Oh" I whisper after him but I go ahead and get my costume on. While sliding the jacket in place I look in the mirror through the mask. I take it off and sigh but keep in the draw string bag I was taking with me. I grab my cane and start whistling on my way out catching the attention of Janet.

"Have fun" Janet called after me, not even trying to stop me knowing my yearly ritual. I wave at her and take out my bus pass and sit on the bench eyeing the sleeping homeless person, after a moment I take my leather bound journal out of my bag and writing a nice little note and folding it for the person to wake up to, it was all I could do. When the bus pulled up I hopped aboard with a nod to the driver and took my seat looking out at the afternoon sun and felt watched, I look towards the forest but don't see anything out of place and I just shrug it off. I wait until we pull up to the center of town that houses a couple of stores and a slice of heaven. I step off the bus and burst into a run into the Barnes and Nobel and stroll around the shelves and seeing the occasional creepy decoration. I sit in the corner and pick up from where I left off in a book I found last week with the occasional look from a worker unacquainted with me. When I finish the book I take a piece of paper and write a short little review of the story and put it in the cover of the book and set it back on the shelf and I hear the loudspeaker announce something.

"We will no longer have cashiers in about five minuets to get ready for the festivities, you will not be kicked out you just can't buy books." A very bored sounding teenager called out over the loud speaker and I took that as my cue as I put my mask on and hid my bag behind a bookshelf. I walked out the door without a slouch and without a care in the world. It was dark at that point of the night and the streetlights reflected off of my mask giving it a ghost like appearance and thoroughly blacking my eyes out making me look like I live without them. I stroll past this little kid and he tugs my jacket making me bend down to the young boy.

"Yes child?" I say with a otherworldly quality not usually available to me.

"You are just a kid in a costume right? Monsters don't exist." The boy gets out trying to convince himself as much as himself. At first I respond with a deep laugh before stating something I hope he remembers for the rest of his life.

"They say eyes are windows into the soul so why don't you give a quick look into my soul to answer for yourself." I tell this kid leaning a bit closer, not close enough for he to see through the mask, but just enough for me to hear his gasp and see him run off to find his mother, who was a couple of meters away chatting a young man, who had quite the unadorned hand might I add, for him to look back at the empty part of space I was just in. I continue with these shenanigans for a bit before feeling a feeling that I was trying to run from. I shoo it off before looking at the time and feeling my heart drop, I had to run to the nus station as fast as I could to reach the bus station just in time to get to where I would sleep with a roof over my head at any point before midnight. I reach the bus to see it on its way home to rest for the night, slumbering before a day of grueling effort with little returns. I sigh and take my mask off in defeat, I go to put it up but remember that its home is locked behind the gates of heaven, not to be opened any time worth me waiting so I sigh and feel the mask fall out of my grip to be crushed be the steel beast. I feel a couple drops of water that begins a downpour, each tear with a restrained memory. I suck it up, putting each tear in a jar without it's lid as I carefully keep it from falling the whole walk back. I get to the front door and see that it is locked, I grab the key they keep for people who can't keep up with the time. I walk in head held high knowing that Janet would be home with her family now. I go up to my empty room with a note on Kent's bed that read I've started to feel better, this girl, I think her name is Juliet or some other Shakespeare character name, but I won't be home all night, see you soon. I felt that feeling creep back and surge in when my eyes danced over the name Juliet and I ripped up the note and threw it in the trash. I felt something break inside of me so I rip off my clothing and rip it into strips, I take the strips and start to do a basic braid. I tie the rope into a noose and start to whistle a light tune. I am about to hang the piece of salvation up but I heard the Janitor walk by the door so I hide it under my bed. I see the Janitor's questioning look so I just smile and wave to him, I sit there for 10 minutes waiting for the footsteps to fade so I move a chair into place and hang the noose and stand there before kicking the chair out of the way and started seeing things after about 8 seconds and I see some weird blotchy looking person rush in and cut the rope.

[Novaer] See, I didn't take a wee to finish this chapter, so thanks for reading and share to all your friends who like to cringe as much as you do but if you actually enjoy it thank you, please vote on who your creepy waifu is so I can put little hints in early on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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