We're Helping YOU! (Chapter Twelve)

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Chapter Twelve.

“Niall” I whispered. “Yeah” he said. This was a little awkward... I need to pee and here he is having his arms around me. “I really need to pee sooo can you let me go?”I said. He chuckled a little but let me go.

“BAAHHHHH!!!” I screamed and threw my arms out randomly while running down the stairs. This was fun! I would do this more often... much more often. “Don't Run in the stairs! They break” Liam said, I turned around. “Well I need to pee!” I said and put my hands on my hips. “If a girl has to pee they have too” someone said. Is it a gost? OMG! I don't liike gost's. “WHO IN THE HOLY GRASHOPERS ARE YOU!?” I screamed and turned to the person standing next to Curly. “Jenine” she said simply. “No no that doesn't work at all...” I said and started to walk around. “Hm... Blondie... No....” I walked around mumbling to myself.

“What are she doing Haz?” she asked. Haz? Who in the unicorn ally is Haz?! “Just let her do this... I'm curly...” Curly said. Haz sounds like a monkey... I like monkeys, they're fun! One time they threw a banana on me and I threw it back... ah good times.

“I KNOW!” I screamed. “You're Monkey!... or Banana...” I said and walked to her. “Nice to meet you Monkey!” I said smiling. “What? I'm... What?” she said and turned to curly and then back to me. “Monkey do you have a hearing problem?” I asked and looked sad. “Curly you have to take her to Superman! I'm NOT going back there!!” I screamed and ran away from them... it feels like I'm forgetting something.... OH YEAH! PEE! I HAVE TO PEE! “YOU'RE IN THE WAY MONKEY!!” I screamed and tackled her to the ground while running past her.

“TOOOOILLLLEEETT!!!!!!” I screamed and ran into a door. I shut the door behind me and you know... peed... awkward silence... EVERYONE HAVE TO PEE OKAY!?!?! then I saw it. A window! It wasn't that really small I would easily go through it. I still have to escape guys! I'm talking to myself in my head. I giggled. Helloo Emma. Heyo how are you? I'm good, just peeing you know. I hope this doesn't count as crazy... Oh it does. Oh by the way I invented the word Heyo. It's an combination of Hi and Hello.

Oh god I forgot I need to jump through the window now! Best to wash my hands before. The window might be allergic to my pee... that would be awfully awkward if I made the window sick. So I washed my hands. Don't forget the pinckys! I wont mysterious voice. I took the soap. I had a soap at home... it's name is Sirio very nice soap. Smells good also. Poor guy have too be in this really ugly bathroom all day. Maybe I should rescue it too. YES! Emma turn into Ninja mode!!!

I looked down on the ground. Not that far down... okay maybe a little. But I wont die if I jump. I took a hard grip around the soap and jumped.

I landed on my feet like a cat... I'M A CAT!!!! meow... meow... meow. “What are you doing?” a group of people asked. “Meow?” I asked. “YOU'RE EMMA!!!!!?!?!?!?!!!!” a girl screamed in my ear. “Meow, Meow” I meowed and started to lick my paws. “Why are she? Isn't she THE Emma?” One guy asked. “HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?!?!.... are you spies” I asked. “You're dating our special snowflake OF COURSE WE KNOW!” they squealed. I have a bad feeling about this... really bad feeling. “SOAPIE RUUUUUNNN!!!” I screamed and ran down the streets.

“NIALL!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed. I need my pillow! Where is my pillow when I need him. A black van stopped before me. The door flung open and there my pillow was. “You called my love” he said and winked. I threw myself into the van. “GO GO GO!!” I screamed. “Wow what happened?” Braces-boy asked. “I met death eaters...” I said and looked down at Soapie... she looked okay. “What?” Liam asked and laughed. “DON'T LAUGH!” I screamed. And buried my face in Pillows lap. “I could have died” I said. “BUT!!! I saved Soapie!” I said taking soapie up and threw her out of the window. “BEEE FREEEEE!!” I screamed. Yup I had done something good. “Did she just?” Monkey asked Curly. “Yes, she did” he sighed. “She is mad you know that right?” Monkey said. “Mad is an understatement” I said and sat up form Niall's lap. “She's insane” Niall said. “Yeah Buddie” I said and high-fived Niall.

“I'm sleepy Nialler” I said and again laid my head in his lap. “Then Sleep” he said kissing my forehead. “Now I can't sleep when you tell me too” I sighed and sat up. “Curly... Your nose looks like a penis” I said and took may head on the side. “No it doesn't look like a penis” Monkey told Curly lovingly... Ewww couples I can't stand them... they're like bugs on cars. I like bugs they're soo cute... basically I like everything that moves... except Snakes... I HATE THEM!!! DIEEE SNAKESS DIEEEE!

“What are you thinking so hard about love?” Niall asked and looked at me. “I wanna kill a snake... sooo badly” I said with small eyes. “I like snakes, they're so cute” Monkey said. “Nope Curly You're not alowed to date... the snake lover” I said. “Don't listen to her she's really sleepy” Niall uhshed monkey when she was about to hit me in the face. “BUT SHE TOLD ME I WASN'T ALOUD TO DATE HARRY!!!” She screamed. “Wow, diva” I laughed while falling into an nice rainbow dream.

--------------------------------- NEEXT DAAAYYY-----------------------

This bed is confy. Really cofy. Never moving. Nope. Oh no. I'm hungry. Not good. What should I do? I can't go up. WAKE MY LOVELY BESIDE ME!!! YES! Aw he is snoring! His nose is cute... aw. I pattered the nose slowly. Niall opened his eyes. “What are you doing?” He laughed. “Pattering your really cute nose” I said smiling like and idiot... wait I am an idiot... well then I smiled like myself.

“You know Niall? I want a bumbi bear” I said and laid my head on his chest. “Why?” he asked. “Because I herd they make the best pancakes” I said playing with his hands. “But you hasn't tasted Harry's Pancakes! They're the best!” Niall said stretching for his phone on the table beside the bed. “Harry! Make some pancakes please?” Niall said. I snapped the phone from his hands. And did an roll down on the floor and rolled to the wardrobe. I am a ninja... just saying. “CURLY!!!!!” I scream into the phone. “Oh... Emma” He sighed. “It's so early” He muttered. “Yeah... but do you know what Curly?” I asked with my head on the side. “no what?” He asked. He sounds anoyed... “I'm hungry” I said. “Oh noooo I'm not going up making pancakes for you! NO!” He said. “Good We see you in an hour! Love yah curly bye” I said and hung up.

“NIALL!!!! DO YOU HAVE A SCISSOR?!” I screamed through the hole flat. “YEAH! FIRST DRAWER TO THE LEFT!” He screamed back. AHA! Found it. I took the shirt up. A little chip there and a little chip there. Then we stretch and drag little here and there. Over the tank top it looked awesome! I'm not just a ninja... I can also master the scissor! One day I'll be on a mission to kill all the snakes... well I can't do it myself... I'll just get someone else to do it. Yup.

“Emma!” Niall screamed from downstairs. “I'm coming” I said walking out of the room finding the stairs... there is no way I'm taking the stairs! Taking the stair thingy. I'm getting good at this! Last second I jumped of and landed on my feet. “You need to teach me that!” Niall said. “Time I'll take young little leprechaun” I said and made an China bow. He bowed to and opened the door for me. “PANCAKE TIME!!!!” I screamed at the people that was passing us.


NOT MY FOULT IT TOOK SO LONG TIME!!!! DON'T BLAME ME! Blame...... Yourself I said 20 vites and cooments and now I've got it and you've got your chapter ;)

for new chapter again its the same role! 20 votes and comments! 

what did you think? I'm so tired and is about to faint.. jippy -.-

Twitter: @Emma_Music_mix

Love you! xx 

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