Chapter 2

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Weeks later, Kageyama arrives at practice with a black eye.

"Woah!!! Yamayama-kun!! What happened to your face?!" Hinata yells.

"Ah!! Did Kageyama get into a fist fight?!" Noya asks.

"Hey! If you did! Why didn't you call me?! I would have come and helped!" Tanaka says

"It's nothing.... just leave it alone..." he says as heads over to the net to practice serving.

"Eh....??? Nothing? There's no way that's nothing!" Hinata says.

"If His Majesty doesn't want to share you can't make him," Tsukishima says.

"Yeah, Tsuki's right. If Kageyama doesn't wanna talk about it you should leave it alone." Yamaguchi says.

"Hmph.... you guys!! Something's going on! Kageyama has been acting weird lately. It's like the fights been knocked out of him." Hinata says.

"You still manage to make him mad," Tsukishima says.

"So do you Tsukki," Yamaguchi says.

"Heh, not like I used to," he says.

"Yeah, he kinda gives in to you calling him king. He doesn't get as mad. He just glares a bit but then looks away." Yamaguchi says.

"That's true!!!!! He's not as aggressive anymore!!! but I mean.... he has that black eye so maybe he just stopped being aggressive with us." Hinata says.


Hinata jumps and looks back as Kageyama just served, the volleyball hit the floor then bounce up and hit the roof.

"EEK! Yamayama-kun!!" Hinata yells.

"Be careful, that could have hurt someone," Suga says

".... sorry..." Kageyama says and looks down, eyes dead as Yachi comes in.

"Ah, Yachi-san! can you cover up Kageyama's black eye?" Yamaguchi asks

"Why cover it? It's a good look on him" Tsukishima says and snickers.

"Black eye??" Yachi says and looks at Kageyama as he looks over. She freezes and begins shaking

"E-e-e-eek! S-s-s-scary?!" She says and faints a bit.

"Calm down Yachi-san!" Hinata says and he catches her.-

"A-a-a-ah..... I-I-I-I can cover it with makeup." She says

He nods and sits on the bench, not saying anything in protest or any unhappy emotion on his face. Yachi pulls her makeup out and begins covering the black eye. Kageyama winces a bit when she touches it.

"S-s-s-sorry!!" she says and he shrugs.

Tsukishima watches Kageyama carefully as the setter wearing the setter soul t-shirt with his soulless eyes.

"Tsukki??" Yamaguchi calls as he looks up at him.

"Hm? let's go practice with Suga-san," he says and walks off.

Weeks later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kageyama missed school for the third time and didn't come to practice this time.

"Hey! Anyone know where Kageyama is??" Hinata asks at afternoon practice.

"Aren't you the one who is his best friend? Why would we know where he is if you don't...?" Tsukishima says.

"HEY!! I was just checking to see if you had! No need to be snarky!" Hinata says and tries calling Kageyama for the 10th time that day.

"He still won't pick up!! AHH!!!!" He yells

"Maybe cuz he sees it's you and doesn't wanna have you interrupt his personal time," Tsukishma says

"He would never miss practice!!!" Hinata says

"Well, you should go check on him. He's probably sick." Suga says.

"Ah!!! Kageyama being sick?! Never!!! He always takes care of himself!!"

"You can leave practice early to check on him," Daichi says.


Hinata dragged Tsukishima and Yamaguchi along with Yachi to visit Kageyama. Yachi because she might be able to help Kageyama get better and the other two for support. Hinata has never seen Kageyama sick so if he gets even grumpier when sick and Hinata doesn't want to be alone if he is. They arrived at his house with Tsukishima complaining the whole way, Yamaguchi trying to get him to stop and Yachi worried about what Kageyama would think about them all showing up. Hinata didn't care, he just wanted to know his best friend was alright.  Hinata knocks on the door but there's no answer.

"He won't answer..." Tsukishima says.

"HEY!!!! BAKAYAMA!!!! OPEN UP!!!! WE JUST WANNA SEE YOU DIDN'T DIE ON US!!!!" Hinata yells. they wait and eventually the door cracks open just enough for them to see him but nothing behind him.

"Kageyama-kun, you don't look so well, are you sick?" Yachi asks. He stares at the ground for a while, saying nothing before shrugging.

"C'mon King, you're not so much of an idiot that you can't tell when you're sick are you?" Tsukishima says

"....... I'm fine..... just not feeling well.... can you leave me alone, please?" he says submissively. Tsukishima looks at him and beings analyzing him. He looked paler, his frame seemed to be smaller, weaker. He looks like he's beyond exhausted and starving to death. his face was expressionless, his eyes dead. No light, no sparkle or shine. The ocean blue they once were has turned into the abyss and it didn't look like they were going to get back up to the sunlight. Tsukishima was now curious as to what sunk the setter's soul and it was bothering him, much to his dismay. He never liked the tyrant setter who seemed to get better as time went on but then became more quiet, like he had lost his voice and his awkward brain couldn't form feelings or emotions to show everyone else how he truly felt. Kei could relate in this aspect, using his snarky remarks and sarcasm to cover up his feeling to protect himself but he didn't think Kageyama has the brain capacity to use defence mechanisms.

"Hey! We all came here to check on you, let us in and we'll help you feel better!" Hinata says, not notice the setter's obvious discomfort at the sight of them all at his front door.

"................ not today... I just wanna be alone and sleep....." he says and begins to close the door.

"But Yamayama-kun!!!!!!" the door closes as Hinata says this, the four can hear the lock turn and Hinata sighs.

"He still thinks he can't rely on us?!" he says annoyed.

"I think it's best we leave him alone.... he seems really tired...." Yamaguchi says and Kei agrees silently as he watches the door. He knew that it wasn't some cold or flu that was keeping Kageyama from school. He just wanted to know what was. Out of curiosity, not because he cares about the blue-eyed boy or anything mushy gushy like that. He would rather die than admit he cared about the first-year setter who he enjoys enraging but no longer got that enjoyment as the king no longer reacted. They all began walking away from the house towards the main street.

"Man...... He never lets me in..... He's been to my house but I've never been inside his!!" Hinata says and pouts.

"I-I'm sure it's just because Kageyama-kun is a very private person, not because he doesn't like you," Yachi says, hoping to help ease Hinata's worries.

"I just wish he would trust me more!!! I mean! We've come so far and he won't even let me in his house! His best friend!!" Hinata says and Tsukishima had enough of the boy and just put his headphones on as he and Yamaguchi split off from them. Hinata having to study with Yachi as Tsukishima refused to tutor the two idiots.


When Kei arrives home he completely ignores his older brother and heads up to his room. He lays on his bed and begins thinking about possibilities as to why Kageyama has been skipping school which he the groaned about and got up to begin studying, hoping that would take his mind off it, which it did.

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