Chapter IV:Joress

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Zarec was clutching his hand into a fist..but...for how long,though?It wasn't long until he reached a mining town called "Darenvale",thanks to a sign that's right at the entrance to the town. "...seems to be the to find that miner,Joress?" The thing that caught his eye was a miner with hair almost larger than a Kvelapox's nest,which is longer than a baby laying on its torso and larger than a shack,hitting some ore veins with his pickaxe,outfit covered in gravel and dirt,Zarec walked up to him.He noticed an emerald ring with a ruby in it on his finger,however he paid no attention to it. "Excuse me.Have you seen Jo-" "By the gods above,who is it this time?!I've had about TWENTY strangers walk up,asking for assistance,asking where who is,asking all these questions that I give the same answers to the same pe-" he turned around to notice Zarec "......You're new.....forgive me of my rambling.People these days just don't know where anything or anybody is.So....who are you looking for,Mr.......?" "Zarec." "Ahhhhh,you're the grandson of the Hero of Dynamites..speaking of have one now...well sorry but we don't sell bombs here...go to Yxanor for them.I'm sure there's an explosive store there." Zarec was getting annoyed,but let out a sigh. "I'm looking for a Joress." "You stupid or something?You're talking to him." "...." ".......Well?What do you want?" Zarec clears his throat. "I need your help." "And why's that?" "The castle of Lovstofe was under attack." "Woah!Hold it there!'under attack'?" "Yes." "We gotta go!NOW!" Joress dropped his pickaxe and ran,Zarec quickly chased after.He was confused but worried about what Joress was freaking about.

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