Chapter Four

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When I finally opened my eyes, I was surrounded by nurses, doctors and a few recognisable people. I blinked a few times, adjusting my eyes to the lighting.

"She's awake," Sally whispered. She placed her hand on my heart. "It's beating!"

"I don't," I coughed harshly, trying to grasp my stomach. The bars holding my arms and legs down. What was going on?

"Oh Ariel," Carter cried softly. "I'm so glad to finally see your blue eyes."

"What happened?" I stared up at him. "Where am I?"

"You've been out for a whole day, your heart had stopped on a regular basis and we weren't sure you were going to wake up." He smiled sadly.

"Sally," I gasped. "The wedding!?"

"I contacted that idiot, he knows you're in a hospital. Just not where."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"Wedding?" Carter frowned.

"Yes," I blushed. "I was meant to get married to a big jerk this morning." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why am I tied up to this bed?"

"You're-" Carter growled from his chest stared down at me. "Can we have some privacy?"

"Sure," Sally whispered. She lifted George into her arms and left the room.

"This may be a shock to you - but when that wolf snapped on your leg, he let out a powerful venom. I, I mean we, couldn't get it out of your system in time to prevent your change."

I blinked a few more times. "Change?"

"Ariel," he let out a shakey breath. "You're turning into a werewolf."

I let out a small laugh, the weight on my chest causing my throat to go dry. "There's no such things. I don't believe this." I paused. "Stop playing a prank on me, uncuff me and let me use the toilet."


"NO!" I yelled. "You're a stranger who's pulling a prank on an ill girl." I frowned. "That's just-"

He pressed his lips to mine, his hand lifting my head higher. If I said this kiss was anything but magical, I would be lying. I finally decided to move with him, my hormones growing uncontrollably. That's a first. I let out a low growl, my canines ripping through my gums as I let out a gasp. Canines?!

"What the hell?!" I barked.

"You're shifting." He stared at me. "Ariel, this is a pack hospital. A pack being werewolves. Everyone here is a werewolf except for Sally - you're becoming one of us."

"You're a..."

"Werewolf." He stroked my face softly; tingles exploding through my skin. "I'm a werewolf."

A/N: Short chapter but I like cliff hangers so here we go!

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