iM GaY (chpt. 4)

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-Thomas POV-


Can't do this. I'm way too gay for this shit. Nope, nope.

As soon as I turned around, I knew it was a mistake. In front of me laid probably the most breathtaking sight I've ever seen.

He was in a SEDUCTIVE POSE. To make it worse; he made a sexy as hell face and practically MOANED my name!!!

I felt my face be lit by Satan's dirty minded demons. I felt Cupid simultaneously shoot arrows covered in poison through my heart. I heard Helpless being played in the background for crying out loud!!!

Then... I saw his eyes turn into that bright violet, again.

This was a set-up! He was trying to seduce me to hypnotize me! Nu-Uh I ain't falling for that.

It was close to lunch anyway so I stood up and walked out. I can't handle this gay shit I'm going to Jemmy.

How in Burr's nonexistent hair am I supposed handle that?! My gay ass can't handle a censored sex scene nevertheless that!

As I keep thinking over what happened, I run into the Revolutionary Set. Great.

Hercules was the first to notice me. "Oi, Jefferson, what happened to you?"

This got them all looking at me. "Oui, your face looks like you got a bad sunburn."

"Wait," John Laurens decided to cut in. "Is the Thomas Jefferson, play boy and biggest flirt in the entire conservation...flustered?!"

This initiated a chorus of oohs from them and silent cursing from me.

"Who is the girl who made mon cher Thomas this embarrassed? Or should I say who is the boy who made you like this?" The French Fuck's smug face could rival Adams.

"Woah, hold the phone!...Now give the phone to me!" John yelled, clearly off guard by this new information. "You're Gay?!? How is it that I didn't know this until now?! Laf, how could you?"

Now it was my turn to be taken off guard at how offended he sounded. As if not knowing I'm gay is a personal offense.

"Uh, Sorry for not telling you...? My sexuality isn't exactly something I yell to the world about."

"Yeah, well, I'm the gayest person on this goddamn planet! If someone I know is gay, I should be one of the first people to know!" He spoke as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Anyway...back to who made you this flustered-" Hercules joined in, directing us back to the main plot. "Who's the lucky guy?"

They all stared back at me as if we were all twelve year old girls gossiping about our crushes at a sleepover. Which isn't actually far from how they do react. To many things.

I sighed in defeat, seeing that they won't back down. After a brief internal argument with myself, I exasperatedly started, "Well...after you guys left..."

I proceeded to tell them about everything that happened since I first tried to talk to the siren. His hilarious insults to Adams produced laughter and approval from the three. The way he tried to seduce me...had everyone reacting differently.

When I finished, not only did I notice that James joined us somewhere in the conversation, but I got to take a good look on everyone's faces. James himself was trying to refrain from bursting out laughing. John was astounded with his jaw dropped but smiling at the edges. Hercules could only be described as utterly dumbfounded, and Lafayette looked on the verge of a fangirling hurricane.

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