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In the start of this chapter they're singing the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk's commercial song, I don't know if anyone's ever heard it, but it's too catchy for it's own good. Anyway, if you haven't heard it, that's fine, it doesn't really matter (but you should totally look it up!). Since Sophie's home was in California in the original series, I've decided that she lives there in this book. So yeah, longer A/N than usual. Enjoy!

"I'm going to the beach where I belong!" Sophie sang, slightly out of tune.  

Keefe mimicked an electric guitar. 

"Where the days are warm," Fitz said.

"And the nights are long."  Tam added.

"California beach boardwalk! In the warm California sun!" Biana sang. 

"Boardwalk!" The whole car yelled. Grady covered his ears belatedly, almost swerving into the other lane. 

"Keep down the songs, or I'll turn on the radio!" Grady yelled. 

A few weeks ago, Mrs. Vacker (affectionately called Aunt Della) suggested taking a group vacation to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk ( which is basically a beach side amusement park.) After much planning, two vans were rented out, an adults van and a kids van. Grady and Alden had volunteered to drive the kids van, but Sophie suspected they wished they hadn't. 

"The radio might be nice." Linh said, looking up from her book. 

Alden turned on the radio, which blasted "Havana" at full volume to unsuspecting ears. 

"My poor ears!" Grady moaned, while Alden quickly lowered the volume. 

Keefe began to lip sync, annoying everyone around him. He draped himself across Sophie's lap. 

"Oooh. I knew it when I met him, I loved him when I left him."

He wiggled his eyebrows at her and winked. Sophie glared at him, cheeks flaming. You better stop, her eyes warned. Keefe continued on, getting deeper into Sophie's personal space, going so far as to touch her nose, all the while mouthing the lyrics. Sophie snapped.

"Dad! Keefe's bugging me!" Sophie called. Keefe's eyes widened in horror. Fitz shook his head in pity at Keefe's predicament. 

"KEEFE!" Grady yelled. Alden seemed to be coaching him through something, because moments later he continued with a *calmer* tone. 

"Please don't bug Sophie, or I'll smash you like a-"

 Alden nodded encouragingly.  

"Just don't bug her." Grady finished. 

"Only Alden." Dex muttered. 


"Uh, no. Definitely no." Sophie said, crossing her arms. 

"But I'll behave! No creepy laughter or helping the props do their job, I'll just sit." 

"Keefe, I would never in a million years sit next to you on the Haunted Mansion, or any remotely haunted ride. You'd just try to scare me." 

"Well, you have to sit by one of us. Since Biana and Linh refused to come on this ride, you have no choice." 

"Tam, are you sure you want to sit in the front? Sit in the back with me!" Sophie pleaded. Tam shook his head. 

"Fine. I'll sit in between Fitz and Dex. Tam, I'm sorry, but you'll have to share the front with Keefe." 

Summer with the Crew (#1.5 How I Fell in Love Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now