Chapter 13 - The Surprise

Start from the beginning

"I told you not to call me that. It's Mikasa."

"Yeah but a lot of people can't pronounce that." Mikasa gave Sasha a death glare and she rolled her eyes at her. "Fine, Mikasa. God... oh and this is Levi my um, he's um, we're just..."

"You have a boyfriend?!" Angel blurted out and Sasha and I glared at her for shouting that.

"No! I mean, well he's my friend from...he um...we worked at The Baked Potato Co. together. He was in the National Guard as well but in a different district."

Levi didn't shake anyone's hands or even smile at any of us. He walked straight past us to window and slid a finger across the windowsill. He held the finger in front of his face and stared at it. Was that little rat checking our house for dust? Who does that?!

"Is there a problem?" My dad asked and Levi looked up at him.

"Oh no, not a problem it's just...well I was just noticing something...but nevermind."

"What is it?" My mom asked.

"Your windows look so...dull. You're using genric Windex aren't you?"

"Yes, we can't afford the name brand but the generic one seems to work the same." My mom crossed her arms and defended her cleaning.

"No it doesn't at all. There's a clearly visible difference." Levi said so calmly. He acted so cool about this. I was trying so hard not to yell at him for Sasha's sake. "If you want I could bring a bottle over and show you how to clean the windows more efficiently?"

I walked straight up to his face and spoke to him. "That is such a sweer and kind gesture isn't it? But I'm afraid you couldn't reach most of our windows and I wouldn't want to embarass you in front of all your friends by making you stand on a stool." I turned around and everyone was giggling behind me. Sasha looked slightly horrified by my statement.

Levi grabbed my shoulder and spun me around so his face was right in frony of mine. "Now you listen here you lil..."

"Well what do you know, it's time for dinner!" My mother grabbed me and pulled me and Levi and pulled us apart. "Let's all head to the kitchen shall we?" That Levi kid is lucky, I could sassed his ass if I had the chance. Everyone walked to the kitchen but my mother pulled me back and whispered in my ear. "Let's try to be nice to him."

"But he said..."

"I know what he said and it was uncalled for but Sasha hasn't had very many boyfriends. Let's try to make this work for her sake." I hated when my mom was right.

Dinner was quite nice but her friends were so...different. They were attacking the food as if they hadn't eaten in years. I swear, no one taught this lot any table manners. For a bunch of kids straight out of the Guard this seemed odd. But Sasha was really odd too so she fit in pretty well. It was nice seeing her get along so well with friends like this.

After dinner everyone retreated to the living room and sat around to talk. I felt awkward with Levi there, especially sine Sasha was practically sitting on his lap. It was kind of gross to be honest. They were all just sitting there arguing over who had the more dramatic rescuse story to tell. I grew bored with their bickering and excused myself to my bedroom.

It was really late, I felt bad, I never told Louis I wouldn't be on tonight. I opened my laptop and signed into Skype. He was online so I called him.

"Hey, I was starting to think you were too busy." He said. He had his headphones on and the room was fully lit.

"Of course not! I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that Sasha's friends were coming over tonight and I wouldn't be on."

"Well you're on right now?"

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