Chapter 2

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Emily's pov

I heard someone run to the door so I walked over and looked through the peep hole it was someone talk I couldn't make out.
So I opened the door and saw Hodgy running up with tyler in front of him running like the police was about to arrest his ass.
He stopped at the door and looked at me. I smirked.
"Nice to see you too tyler, last time we saw eachother you were like 15 and I was 13. " I smiled
He just kept staring and I snapped my fingers in his face.
"Oh sorry" he said smiling at the floor.

"Nigga im up here cut that SUS shit out" I said and we both laughed.

And then he fell.
I couldn't help but laugh and so was he I walked into the kitchen to get some drinks and was followed by tyler.

So how are you? He said.

"IM good and you?" I replied.

"Good good. Wow last time I saw u u wee in like 7th grade damn." he said.
I felt his eyes burning a hole into my back so I turned facing him.

And boom.

Hodgy necked him. He screamed like a lil girl I fell on the floor laughing.
He ran after Hodgy and I continued to drink my juice.

Now that I look back on it I had the biggest crush on tyler it was so dumb. I laughed to myself.

And felt arms wrap around my waist and I turned to see Travis.


Tyler looked at him then me and threw something at Travis and ran.
I ran outta the room upstairs and his under my bed.
We always played around like this. Some big ass fucking kids.
I heard foot steps and saw blue vans.

And then bam they dropped to the floor and looked at me. It was tyler
He pulled me out and looked at me.
"Do you remember that night at travs party?" He asked


This is so fucking awesome Travis! I yelled.

AHAH he laughed and continued, "well enjoy the party em just dont do anything stupid your only 13 ok." he said.
I nodded and he walked away with some chick.
I walked towards a long table full of drinks and food. I grabbed a beer and had a hard time opening it. When tyler walked up.

"Hey, you need help with that?" He asked.
I nodded and he opened it for me.

"Thanks." I said

He looked at me and began to speak.

"So whats your story?" he asked.

"I dot really have one" I replied yelling over the music that filled the room. "My names Emily Im a friend of Travis I live down the block." I said sarcastically .
Tyler looked at me and smiled.

"I know all I that smart ass I meant where you originally from, do you have a boy friend, stuff like that.." he said.

Tyler already knew who I was we just hadn't talked about other stuff tbh.

"Im originally from Torrance." I replied "I dont have a boy friend im single." I said laughing.
I could feel Tylers eyes on me.

"And. I continued. Just in case you were wondering I have a crush hes kinda older than me by two years." I flashed a smile at him and drank the rest of my beer.

"I also have a crush." He said

"Shes younger than me only by two years tho." He laughed

I looked at him lost in his eyes. Ew I sound SUS as fuck.
I snapped out of it and headed upstairs. I realized if had like 20 shots I wanted to lay down. I walked into travs guest room and in walks tyler.

"Come here." I said.
He came closer and I kissed him.

I pulled him onto the bed and hovered over him still kissing him. Our lips moving perfectly in sync I pulled back so he could breathe he took his inhaler out his pocket and took to puffs. I giggled hes such a dork.

He grabbed me and hovered over me. He took off his shirt and tugged at mine. I wanted him so bad but I refused. I was only 13 the fuck would I look like giving it up to someone older than me.
I pushed him back a lil and he looked at me and asked me whats wrong.

"IM not ready for this tyler" I said lowly.
He looked at me and said "its ok fag" I laughed and he kissed me and helped me up. He kissed me again and pinned me against the wall and wouldn't stop.

"Tyler move" I said

"No you know I get mad when I dont get what I want and I want you." He said forcefully.
I had to admit it was turning me on. But I kissed him and walked out. When I walked downstairs tyler followed and looked at me as I left out travs front door.

Flashback over.

"Yea of course." I said

Me and TY had gotten close after that until he moved to N,Y. I still like him a lot to be honest I was lost in my thoughts when I heard him.

"ID like to finish that some time." He smirked and kissed my neck.
A slight moan escaped my mouth.
He walked out the room searching for Hodgy.

Fuck. I think I might just give in to tyler this time.

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